如何将 mongoose 与express.js 项目集成?
我正在学习 Node.js 作为 Web 开发的可能工具。我了解 express.js 的工作原理,但我不确定如何集成猫鼬模型,我尝试在 google 和此处搜索答案,但没有成功。模型应该去哪里?它们是否应该与其余配置和路由信息一起放入 app.js 中?或者它们应该放在一个单独的文件中并像普通模块一样导入?任何信息和资源将不胜感激。谢谢。
I'm working on learning node.js as a possible tool for web development. I understand how express.js works, but I'm not sure how to integrate mongoose models, I've tried searching google and here for an answer with no luck. Where should models go? Should they go in app.js, with the rest of the configuration and rorouting information? or should they go in a seperate file and imported like a normal module? Any information and resources would be appreciated. Thank you.
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我建议将您的模型放在单独的文件中,即使只是为了代码组织目的。将它们创建为普通节点模块并导出模式。将架构导入到 app.js 中并在那里对其进行建模:
I would recommend putting your models in separate files even if just for code organisation purposes. Create them as normal node modules and export the schema. Import the schema into your app.js and model them there: