如何制作通知中心小部件(iOS 5)
iOS 5 引入了通知中心小部件,我想尝试使用这些小部件并制作自定义小部件(使用越狱设备)。我不太明白如何制作这样一个小部件。小部件 (WeeApps) 是存储在 /System/Library/WeeAppPlugins 中的捆绑包。如果有人已经写过指南或者可以分享 WeeApp 的主要类的外观,那就太好了。理想的情况是为 theos 提供一个 WeeApp NIC 模板:)
注意: 这个问题是关于所谓的 WeeApps,即 iOS 5 中引入的通知中心的系统插件。不要与 iOS 5 中引入的 Today View Extensions 混淆。 iOS 8。
iOS 5 introduced Notification Center Widgets and I would like to experiment with those widgets and make custom ones (with a Jailbroken device). I couldn't quite figure out how to make such a widget. The Widgets (WeeApps) are bundles stored in /System/Library/WeeAppPlugins. It would be great if anyone has already writren a guide or could share how the principal class of a WeeApp has to look like. Ideal would be to have a WeeApp NIC template for theos :)
Note: This question is regarding so called WeeApps, system plugins for Notification Center introduced in iOS 5. Not to be confused with Today View Extensions introduced in iOS 8.
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如何编写通知适用于 iOS 的 Center Widgets(iOS 6 及以下版本)
请注意,这是针对运行 iOS 6 及更低版本的 iOS 小部件 - 换句话说,这是针对旧的越狱开发。我最终可能会写一篇 iOS 8 教程,但不是这个。
I don't want to shameless-plug in here, but I wrote a small tutorial to help you with this.
How to write Notification Center Widgets for iOS (iOS 6 and Below)
Hope it helps you!
Please note this is for iOS widgets running iOS 6 and below - In other words, this is for old jailbreak development. I may write an iOS 8 tutorial eventually, but this one is not it.
好吧,我想我找到了一个很好的方法来理解它,一个示例小部件,在 github 上提供了完整的源代码: https:// /github.com/WillFour20/WeeAppTest 但最有帮助的是本教程和教程中提到的 theos NIC 模板,我已经使用此方法和我的自定义 NIC 模板制作了几个小部件。 http://weeplugins.com/blog/?p=1
OK i think i have found a good way to understand it, a sample widget with full source code available on github: https://github.com/WillFour20/WeeAppTest But whats most helpful is this tutorial and the NIC template for theos mentioned in the tutorial, I already made several widgets using this method and my custom NIC templates. http://weeplugins.com/blog/?p=1