如果您想将提交移至暂存区域 - 即取消提交并将其中的所有更改移至暂存区域(有效地将分支置于提交之前的状态)-你怎么做的?或者这是你做不到的事情?
If you want to move a commit to the staging area - that is uncommit it and move all of the changes which were in it into the staging area (effectively putting the branch in the state that it would have been in prior to the commit) - how do you do it? Or is it something that you can't do?
The closest that I know how to do is to copy all of the files that were changed in the commit to somewhere else, reset the branch to the commit before the commit that you're trying to move into the staging area, move all of the copied files back into the repository, and then add them to the staging area. It works, but it's not exactly a nice solution. What I'd like to be able to do is just undo the commit and move its changing into the staging area. Can it be done? And if so, how?
(之前的提交),但将更改保留在暂存区域中。方便的图表 -scm.com/docs/git-reset" rel="noreferrer">
docs如果您使用的是 Windows,则可能需要使用以下格式:
This will reset your index to
(the previous commit) but leave your changes in the staging area.There are some handy diagrams in the
docsIf you are on Windows you might need to use this format:
git reset --soft HEAD^1
git重置HEAD git命令.txt
或 git reset HEAD *ds.txt
*-->所有以 ds.txt 结尾的文件都需要取消暂存。
A Simple Way
Committed files to Staging Area
git reset --soft HEAD^1
Staging to UnStage :(use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)
git reset HEAD git commands.txt
or git reset HEAD *ds.txt
*--> all files end with ds.txt to unstage.
Refer the below pic for clarity:
To move a commit back to the staging area depends on your last commit.
If your last commit was the first(or initial) commit of the repo, then you need to execute
If your last commit is not the first(or initial) commit, then execute