什么是权威的(Android 兼容的)RSS/Atom 处理库?
长期的 Java 开发人员告诉我,Apache 的 Rome 模块是阅读和阅读的权威库。生成 RSS 和原子饲料。
我查看了该库 - 它现在似乎没有在积极开发中。这真的是最好的吗?具体来说,我正在尝试编写一个 Android 应用程序,它将读取许多提要。我担心 Apache Rome 对于手持设备来说可能过于重量级。
- 足够轻,可以在低功耗设备上运行。
- 易于使用的API
I've been told by long-time Java developers that Apache's Rome module is the definitive library for reading & generating RSS & Atom feeds.
I've had a look at the library - it does not seem to be under active development right now. Is this really the best available? Specifically, I'm trying to write an Android application which will read in a number of feeds. I'm worried that Apache Rome might be to heavyweight for a handheld device.
Are there any alternatives that I ought to consider? My main criteria are:
- Lightweight enough to run on a low-power device.
- Easy to use API
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有一个适用于 Android 的 Rome 重新打包版本:http://code.google.com/p/android -rome-feed-reader/。我知道它是由 Spring Android 库使用的。
There is a repackaged version of Rome for Android: http://code.google.com/p/android-rome-feed-reader/. I know it is used by the Spring Android library.
对于最近的项目,我尝试了所有可用的解析 rss 的方法,并得出结论 http://developer.android.com/reference/org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParser.html 是您可能使用的最合适的一个。易于使用且性能足以在低功耗设备上运行。
For a recent project I tried all available methods for parsing rss and came to the conclusion that http://developer.android.com/reference/org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParser.html is the most decent one you might use. Easy to use and performant enough to run on low powered devices as well.
它使用流畅的API,易于使用,非常轻量级+ 快速,支持自定义提要项属性,默认情况下与大多数 RSS2 提要兼容,但允许您插入自己的自定义 RssParser 以支持所有类型的提要。
There is also this library I wrote:
It uses a fluent API for easy usage, it's very lightweight + fast, supports custom feed item properties, and is compatible with most RSS2 feeds by default but allows you to plug in your own custom RssParser to support all kinds of feeds.