我需要在跨浏览器测试中包含 Firefox 5 吗?

发布于 2024-12-01 13:53:59 字数 132 浏览 1 评论 0原文

Firefox 5 引入了自动更新。我注意到我安装的 FF5 已经更新到版本 6。

这是否意味着像旧版本的 Chrome 一样,Firefox 5 真的不需要包含在我的跨浏览器测试电池中?还是有一些用户可能会阻止它更新,而我应该担心?

Firefox 5 introduced auto-updating. I noticed that my installation of FF5 has already updated itself to version 6.

Does this mean that, like older versions of Chrome, Firefox 5 doesn't really need to be included in my cross-browser testing battery? Or is there a way some users may prevent it from updating that I should worry about?

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甜警司 2024-12-08 13:53:59


例如,我通常不会安装更新,直到我知道我的加载项(尤其是 FireBug)没有被标记为在新版本中被禁用。除其他意外情况外,这可能建议保留 FF5 支持。

Though it "auto-updates", I'm always given the choice to do so.

For instance, I often don't install the update until I know my add-ins (especially FireBug) are not flagged as being disabled with the new version. This, among other contingencies, may suggest to keep FF5 support.

会发光的星星闪亮亮i 2024-12-08 13:53:59

始终包含 Firefox 5,因为有很多开发人员和用户出于某种原因禁用了自动更新功能。

正如布拉德所说,用户始终可以选择更新或不更新。他们可以编辑一些注册表值或仅使用 about:config,因此始终包括 FF5 等。

Always include Firefox 5 cause there are plenty of developers and users that somehow have disabled the auto update feature for whatever reason they have.

The user can, as said by Brad, always make the choice to update or not. They could edit some registry values or just using about:config, so always include FF5, etc..

鹿童谣 2024-12-08 13:53:59

在做出此类决定时,您应该查看统计数据。目前,只有 12% 的 Firefox 用户使用 Firefox 5,其中 55% 使用 Firefox 6。相比之下:20% 的用户仍在使用 Firefox 3.6.x,5% 的用户仍在使用 Firefox 4。

我认为,一旦旧分支(尤其是 Firefox 3.6)过期,您确实可以专注于最新的 Firefox 版本。目前的趋势是,前一个版本在其后继版本发布两周后就变得无关紧要。虽然总会有人关闭自动更新,但这个数字低得令人欣喜。


You should look at the statistics when making such decisions. At this point, only 12% of Firefox users are using Firefox 5, with 55% being on Firefox 6. For comparison: Firefox 3.6.x is still being used by 20% of the users, Firefox 4 by 5% of the users.

I think that once the old branches (especially Firefox 3.6) expire you will indeed be able to concentrate on the latest Firefox release. The current tendency is that the previous release becomes irrelevant two weeks after its successor is released. While there will always be some who turn off auto-updates, the numbers are pleasantly low.

Source of statistical data: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/statistics/addon/1865. Feel free to compare with other sources.

从﹋此江山别 2024-12-08 13:53:59

这是否意味着,像旧版 Chrome 一样,Firefox 5 并不需要包含在我的跨浏览器测试电池中?



Does this mean that, like older versions of Chrome, Firefox 5 doesn't really need to be included in my cross-browser testing battery?

If you are going to support older version you should always test it with older versions.

Auto-update can be disabled on most (/ all?) platforms.

鱼窥荷 2024-12-08 13:53:59

我想说,为了您的应用程序,您在测试时至少使用流行浏览器的以前版本以及当前添加的版本。许多人需要一段时间才能更新或从不更新。例如,很大一部分商业世界仍然使用 IE6。

I would say for your applications sake that you use AT LEAST one previous version of the popular browsers as well as their current addition when testing. Many people take awhile to update or never update. A large portion of the business world still uses IE6 for instance.

两相知 2024-12-08 13:53:59

如果您正在维护一个生产站点,也许可以监控您的网络分析,看看有多少百分比的用户在 FF5 上徘徊。这将决定如何最好地为您的用户提供服务。

至于自动更新占据主导地位的话题,用户滞后的原因可能有很多。前几次我拒绝在我的本地计算机上更新到 FF6,因为担心一些心爱的开发者插件会被破坏。不必要的谨慎,在这种情况下......

If you are maintaining a production site, perhaps monitor your web analytics to see what percentage of your users are lingering on FF5. That'll determine how best to serve your users.

As for the topic of auto-update taking hold, there could be any number of reasons why users lag. I declined to update to FF6 on my local machine the first few times it offered to, for fear of a few beloved developer plugins breaking. Unnecessarily cautious, in this case...

感情洁癖 2024-12-08 13:53:59

Firefox 的首选项中有一个复选框,可让您根据需要禁用更新。所以,是的,用户可以关闭更新。

Firefox has a checkbox in preferences that lets you disable updates if desired. So yes, users can turn off updates.

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