jQuery Nested Sortable - 无法移动嵌套的 LI 元素
我正在使用 Interspire 购物车,它使用 jQuery 插件nestedsortables (http://code.google.com/p/nestedsortables/wiki/NestedSortableDocumentation) 通过拖放来排列管理面板中页面的顺序。这是执行相同操作的不同脚本的演示: http://mjsarfatti.com/sandbox/nestedSortable/问题
是父页面(在列表中,而不是实际页面)能够被拖到任何顺序,包括拖到嵌套子位置并退出(直到刷新,然后它卡在儿童位置)。子页面无法拖动/移动,并且光标会像父页面一样变为 4 向箭头。
我已经数不清 HTML 了多少次了。对于父级和子级来说,HTML 看起来几乎相同,我可以弄清楚为什么一个可以工作,另一个不能。我认为它可能与 ul 或 li 标签有关,但我只是没有看到问题。
我将我的代码与 Interspire 演示 (http://shoppingcart.interspire-demo.com/demos) 的代码进行了比较,没有发现任何差异。他们的管理面板可以工作,而我的则不能。我尝试重新上传控制此功能的 2 个 JavaScript 文件,但问题仍然存在。
下面是一个 HTML 片段:
<table class="GridPanel SortablePanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;">
<tr class="Heading3">
<td width="1" style="padding-left: 5px;">
<input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: middle;" onclick="ToggleDeleteBoxes(this.checked)">
<td> Page Name </td>
<td width="120"> Page Type </td>
<td width="80" align="center"> Visible </td>
<td width="80"> Action </td>
<ul id="PageList" class="SortableList">
<li id="ele-5" class="SortableRow"></li> << **collapsed**
<li id="ele-3" class="SortableRow"></li> << **collapsed**
<li id="ele-11" class="SortableRow">
<table class="GridPanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%;">
<tr class="GridRow" onmouseout="this.className='GridRow'" onmouseover="this.className='GridRowOver'">
<td width="1">
<input type="checkbox" value="11" name="page[]">
<td width="150" style="display: none;"> </td>
<td class="DragMouseDown sort-handle " style="-moz-user-select: none;"> PARENT </td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="120">Normal Page</td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="80" align="center">
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPageVisibility&pageId=11&visible=1" title="Click here to make this page visible on your web site">
<img border="0" src="images/cross.gif">
<td class="HideOnDrag" width="80">
<a href="javascript:PreviewPage(11)" title="Preview Page">Preview</a>
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPage&pageId=11" title="Edit this page">Edit</a>
<ul class="SortableList" style="padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 0px;">
<li id="ele-12" class="SortableRow">
<table class="GridPanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%;">
<tr class="GridRow" onmouseout="this.className='GridRow'" onmouseover="this.className='GridRowOver'">
<td width="1">
<input type="checkbox" value="12" name="page[]">
<td width="150" style="display: none;"> </td>
<td class="DragMouseDown sort-handle " style="-moz-user-select: none;"> CHILD ONE </td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="120">Normal Page</td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="80" align="center">
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPageVisibility&pageId=12&visible=1" title="Click here to make this page visible on your web site">
<img border="0" src="images/cross.gif">
<td class="HideOnDrag" width="80">
<a href="javascript:PreviewPage(12)" title="Preview Page">Preview</a>
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPage&pageId=12" title="Edit this page">Edit</a>
<li id="ele-13" class="SortableRow">
<table class="GridPanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%;">
<tr class="GridRow" onmouseout="this.className='GridRow'" onmouseover="this.className='GridRowOver'">
<td width="1">
<input type="checkbox" value="13" name="page[]">
<td width="150" style="display: none;"> </td>
<td class="DragMouseDown sort-handle " style="-moz-user-select: none;"> CHILD TWO </td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="120">Normal Page</td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="80" align="center">
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPageVisibility&pageId=13&visible=1" title="Click here to make this page visible on your web site">
<img border="0" src="images/cross.gif">
<td class="HideOnDrag" width="80">
<a href="javascript:PreviewPage(13)" title="Preview Page">Preview</a>
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPage&pageId=13" title="Edit this page">Edit</a>
<div id="div1" style="display: none;">
我将页面命名为“父母”、“孩子一”和“孩子二”。 2 个子页面嵌套在父页面中。父级可拖动,但 2 个嵌套页面不可拖动。
下面是 NestedSortable jQuery 插件代码供您参考:
jQuery.iNestedSortable = {
checkHover: function (e, o) {
if (e.isNestedSortable) {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.newCheckHover(e)
} else {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.oldCheckHover(e, o)
oldCheckHover: jQuery.iSort.checkhover,
newCheckHover: function (e) {
if (!jQuery.iDrag.dragged) {
if (!(e.dropCfg.el.size() > 0)) {
if (!e.nestedSortCfg.remeasured) {
e.nestedSortCfg.remeasured = true
var a = jQuery.iNestedSortable.findPrecedingItem(e);
var b = jQuery.iNestedSortable.shouldNestItem(e, a);
var c = (!a) ? jQuery.iNestedSortable.isTouchingFirstItem(e) : false;
var d = false;
if (a) {
if (e.nestedSortCfg.lastPrecedingItem === a && e.nestedSortCfg.lastShouldNest === b) {
d = true
} else if (e.nestedSortCfg.lastPrecedingItem === a && e.nestedSortCfg.lastTouchingFirst === c) {
d = true
e.nestedSortCfg.lastPrecedingItem = a;
e.nestedSortCfg.lastShouldNest = b;
e.nestedSortCfg.lastTouchingFirst = c;
if (d) {
if (a !== null) {
if (b) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.nestItem(e, a)
} else {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.appendItem(e, a)
} else if (c) {
scroll: function (e) {
if (!e.nestedSortCfg.autoScroll) {
return false
var a = e.nestedSortCfg.scrollSensitivity;
var b = e.nestedSortCfg.scrollSpeed;
var c = jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.currentPointer;
var d = jQuery.iUtil.getScroll();
if ((c.y - d.ih) - d.t > -a) {
window.scrollBy(0, b)
if (c.y - d.t < a) {
window.scrollBy(0, -b)
check: function (a) {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.oldCheck(a)
oldCheck: jQuery.iSort.check,
newCheck: function (a) {
if (jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass && jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting = null;
jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass = ""
if (jQuery.iDrop.overzone.isNestedSortable) {
jQuery.iDrop.overzone.nestedSortCfg.remeasured = false
serialize: function (s) {
if (jQuery('#' + s).get(0).isNestedSortable) {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.newSerialize(s)
} else {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.oldSerialize(s)
oldSerialize: jQuery.iSort.serialize,
newSerialize: function (s) {
var i;
var h = '';
var j = '';
var o = {};
var e;
var k = function (f) {
var g = [];
thisChildren = jQuery(f).children('.' + jQuery.iSort.collected[s]);
thisChildren.each(function (i) {
var a = jQuery.attr(this, 'id');
if (a && a.match) {
a = a.match(e.nestedSortCfg.serializeRegExp)[0]
if (h.length > 0) {
h += '&'
h += s + j + '[' + i + '][id]=' + a;
g[i] = {
id: a
var b = jQuery(this).children(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + "." + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass.split(" ").join(".")).get(0);
var c = j;
j += '[' + i + '][children]';
var d = k(b);
if (d.length > 0) {
g[i].children = d
j = c
return g
if (s) {
if (jQuery.iSort.collected[s]) {
e = jQuery('#' + s).get(0);
o[s] = k(e)
} else {
for (a in s) {
if (jQuery.iSort.collected[s[a]]) {
e = jQuery('#' + s[a]).get(0);
o[s[a]] = k(e)
} else {
for (i in jQuery.iSort.collected) {
e = jQuery('#' + i).get(0);
o[i] = k(e)
return {
hash: h,
o: o
findPrecedingItem: function (e) {
var d = 0;
var f = jQuery.grep(e.dropCfg.el, function (i) {
var a = (i.pos.y < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.ny) && (i.pos.y > d);
if (!a) {
return false
var b;
if (e.nestedSortCfg.rightToLeft) {
b = (i.pos.x + i.pos.wb + e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance > jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx + jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.oC.wb)
} else {
b = (i.pos.x - e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx)
if (!b) {
return false
var c = jQuery.iNestedSortable.isBeingDragged(e, i);
if (c) {
return false
d = i.pos.y;
return true
if (f.length > 0) {
return f[(f.length - 1)]
} else {
return null
isTouchingFirstItem: function (e) {
var c;
var d = jQuery.grep(e.dropCfg.el, function (i) {
var a = (c === undefined || i.pos.y < c);
if (!a) {
return false
var b = jQuery.iNestedSortable.isBeingDragged(e, i);
if (b) {
return false
c = i.pos.y;
return true
if (d.length > 0) {
d = d[(d.length - 1)];
return d.pos.y < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.ny + jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.oC.hb && d.pos.y > jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.ny
} else {
return false
isBeingDragged: function (e, a) {
var b = jQuery.iDrag.dragged;
if (!b) {
return false
if (a == b) {
return true
if (jQuery(a).parents("." + e.sortCfg.accept.split(" ").join(".")).filter(function () {
return this == b
}).length !== 0) {
return true
} else {
return false
shouldNestItem: function (e, a) {
if (!a) {
return false
if (e.nestedSortCfg.noNestingClass && jQuery(a).filter("." + e.nestedSortCfg.noNestingClass).get(0) === a) {
return false
if (e.nestedSortCfg.rightToLeft) {
return a.pos.x + a.pos.wb - (e.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace - e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance) > jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx + jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.oC.wb
} else {
return a.pos.x + (e.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace - e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance) < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx
nestItem: function (e, a) {
var b = jQuery(a).children(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + "." + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass.split(" ").join("."));
var c = jQuery.iSort.helper;
styleHelper = c.get(0).style;
styleHelper.width = 'auto';
if (!b.size()) {
var d = "<" + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + " class='" + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass + "'></" + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + ">";
b = jQuery(a).append(d).children(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag).css(e.nestedSortCfg.styleToAttach)
jQuery.iNestedSortable.updateCurrentNestingClass(e, b);
appendItem: function (e, a) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.updateCurrentNestingClass(e, jQuery(a).parent());
insertOnTop: function (e) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.updateCurrentNestingClass(e, e);
beforeHelperRemove: function (e) {
var a = jQuery.iSort.helper.parent(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + "." + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass.split(" ").join("."));
var b = a.children("." + e.sortCfg.accept.split(" ").join(".") + ":visible").size();
if (b === 0 && a.get(0) !== e) {
afterHelperInsert: function (e) {
var a = jQuery.iSort.helper.parent();
if (a.get(0) !== e) {
e.nestedSortCfg.remeasured = false
updateCurrentNestingClass: function (e, a) {
var b = jQuery(a);
if ((e.nestedSortCfg.currentNestingClass) && (!jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting || b.get(0) != jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting.get(0))) {
if (jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting) {
if (b.get(0) != e) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting = b;
jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass = e.nestedSortCfg.currentNestingClass
} else {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting = null;
jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass = ""
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
if (this.isNestedSortable) {
this.nestedSortCfg = null;
this.isNestedSortable = null;
build: function (a) {
if (a.accept && jQuery.iUtil && jQuery.iDrag && jQuery.iDrop && jQuery.iSort) {
this.each(function () {
this.isNestedSortable = true;
this.nestedSortCfg = {
noNestingClass: a.noNestingClass ? a.noNestingClass : false,
rightToLeft: a.rightToLeft ? true : false,
nestingPxSpace: parseInt(a.nestingPxSpace, 10) || 30,
currentNestingClass: a.currentNestingClass ? a.currentNestingClass : "",
nestingLimit: a.nestingLimit ? a.nestingLimit : false,
autoScroll: a.autoScroll !== undefined ? a.autoScroll == true : true,
scrollSensitivity: a.scrollSensitivity ? a.scrollSensitivity : 20,
scrollSpeed: a.scrollSpeed ? a.scrollSpeed : 20,
serializeRegExp: a.serializeRegExp ? a.serializeRegExp : /[^\-]*$/
this.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance = parseInt(this.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace * 0.4, 10);
this.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag = this.tagName;
this.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass = this.className;
this.nestedSortCfg.styleToAttach = (this.nestedSortCfg.rightToLeft) ? {
"padding-left": 0,
"padding-right": this.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace + 'px'
} : {
"padding-left": this.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace + 'px',
"padding-right": 0
jQuery(this.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag, this).css(this.nestedSortCfg.styleToAttach)
jQuery.iSort.checkhover = jQuery.iNestedSortable.checkHover;
jQuery.iSort.check = jQuery.iNestedSortable.check;
jQuery.iSort.serialize = jQuery.iNestedSortable.serialize
return this.Sortable(a)
NestedSortable: jQuery.iNestedSortable.build,
NestedSortableDestroy: jQuery.iNestedSortable.destroy
jQuery.iUtil.getScroll = function (e) {
var t, l, w, h, iw, ih;
if (e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
t = e.scrollTop;
l = e.scrollLeft;
w = e.scrollWidth;
h = e.scrollHeight;
iw = 0;
ih = 0
} else {
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
t = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
l = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
w = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight
} else if (document.body) {
t = document.body.scrollTop;
l = document.body.scrollLeft;
w = document.body.scrollWidth;
h = document.body.scrollHeight
iw = self.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || 0;
ih = self.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight || 0
return {
t: t,
l: l,
w: w,
h: h,
iw: iw,
ih: ih
请帮助我。我相信其他 Interspire 和 NestedSortable 用户也会发现这很有用。感谢您的关注,无论成功与否,我都非常感谢任何尝试解决此问题的人。 };
I am stumped. I have been trying to solve this for 2 days and looked all over online including this site. This is very frustrating, and I will be very impressed if you can solve it.
I am using Interspire shopping cart, which uses the jQuery plugin nestedsortables (http://code.google.com/p/nestedsortables/wiki/NestedSortableDocumentation) to arrange the order of your pages in the admin panel by dragging and dropping. Here is a demo of a DIFFERENT script that does the same thing: http://mjsarfatti.com/sandbox/nestedSortable/
The problem is the parent pages (in the list, not an actual page) are able to be dragged into any order, including into a nested child position and back out (until refresh, and then it is stuck in the child position). The child pages cannot be dragged/moved, and the cursor changes to a 4-way arrow just like the parent pages.
I have gone over the HTML so many times I lose count. The HTML looks almost identical for parent and children, that I can figure out why one would work, and one wouldn't. I think maybe it has something to do with either a ul or li tag, but I just don't see the problem.
I have compared my code to that of the Interspire demo (http://shoppingcart.interspire-demo.com/demos) and I don't see any difference. Their admin panel works, mine doesn't. I tried re-uploading the 2 JavaScript files that control this feature, but the problem persists.
Here is a HTML snippet:
<table class="GridPanel SortablePanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;">
<tr class="Heading3">
<td width="1" style="padding-left: 5px;">
<input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: middle;" onclick="ToggleDeleteBoxes(this.checked)">
<td> Page Name </td>
<td width="120"> Page Type </td>
<td width="80" align="center"> Visible </td>
<td width="80"> Action </td>
<ul id="PageList" class="SortableList">
<li id="ele-5" class="SortableRow"></li> << **collapsed**
<li id="ele-3" class="SortableRow"></li> << **collapsed**
<li id="ele-11" class="SortableRow">
<table class="GridPanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%;">
<tr class="GridRow" onmouseout="this.className='GridRow'" onmouseover="this.className='GridRowOver'">
<td width="1">
<input type="checkbox" value="11" name="page[]">
<td width="150" style="display: none;"> </td>
<td class="DragMouseDown sort-handle " style="-moz-user-select: none;"> PARENT </td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="120">Normal Page</td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="80" align="center">
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPageVisibility&pageId=11&visible=1" title="Click here to make this page visible on your web site">
<img border="0" src="images/cross.gif">
<td class="HideOnDrag" width="80">
<a href="javascript:PreviewPage(11)" title="Preview Page">Preview</a>
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPage&pageId=11" title="Edit this page">Edit</a>
<ul class="SortableList" style="padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 0px;">
<li id="ele-12" class="SortableRow">
<table class="GridPanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%;">
<tr class="GridRow" onmouseout="this.className='GridRow'" onmouseover="this.className='GridRowOver'">
<td width="1">
<input type="checkbox" value="12" name="page[]">
<td width="150" style="display: none;"> </td>
<td class="DragMouseDown sort-handle " style="-moz-user-select: none;"> CHILD ONE </td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="120">Normal Page</td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="80" align="center">
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPageVisibility&pageId=12&visible=1" title="Click here to make this page visible on your web site">
<img border="0" src="images/cross.gif">
<td class="HideOnDrag" width="80">
<a href="javascript:PreviewPage(12)" title="Preview Page">Preview</a>
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPage&pageId=12" title="Edit this page">Edit</a>
<li id="ele-13" class="SortableRow">
<table class="GridPanel" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%;">
<tr class="GridRow" onmouseout="this.className='GridRow'" onmouseover="this.className='GridRowOver'">
<td width="1">
<input type="checkbox" value="13" name="page[]">
<td width="150" style="display: none;"> </td>
<td class="DragMouseDown sort-handle " style="-moz-user-select: none;"> CHILD TWO </td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="120">Normal Page</td>
<td class="HideOnDrag " width="80" align="center">
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPageVisibility&pageId=13&visible=1" title="Click here to make this page visible on your web site">
<img border="0" src="images/cross.gif">
<td class="HideOnDrag" width="80">
<a href="javascript:PreviewPage(13)" title="Preview Page">Preview</a>
<a href="index.php?ToDo=editPage&pageId=13" title="Edit this page">Edit</a>
<div id="div1" style="display: none;">
I named the pages PARENT, CHILD ONE, and CHILD TWO. The 2 child pages are nested in the parent. Parent is draggable, but the 2 nested pages are not.
Below is the NestedSortable jQuery Plugin code for your reference:
jQuery.iNestedSortable = {
checkHover: function (e, o) {
if (e.isNestedSortable) {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.newCheckHover(e)
} else {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.oldCheckHover(e, o)
oldCheckHover: jQuery.iSort.checkhover,
newCheckHover: function (e) {
if (!jQuery.iDrag.dragged) {
if (!(e.dropCfg.el.size() > 0)) {
if (!e.nestedSortCfg.remeasured) {
e.nestedSortCfg.remeasured = true
var a = jQuery.iNestedSortable.findPrecedingItem(e);
var b = jQuery.iNestedSortable.shouldNestItem(e, a);
var c = (!a) ? jQuery.iNestedSortable.isTouchingFirstItem(e) : false;
var d = false;
if (a) {
if (e.nestedSortCfg.lastPrecedingItem === a && e.nestedSortCfg.lastShouldNest === b) {
d = true
} else if (e.nestedSortCfg.lastPrecedingItem === a && e.nestedSortCfg.lastTouchingFirst === c) {
d = true
e.nestedSortCfg.lastPrecedingItem = a;
e.nestedSortCfg.lastShouldNest = b;
e.nestedSortCfg.lastTouchingFirst = c;
if (d) {
if (a !== null) {
if (b) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.nestItem(e, a)
} else {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.appendItem(e, a)
} else if (c) {
scroll: function (e) {
if (!e.nestedSortCfg.autoScroll) {
return false
var a = e.nestedSortCfg.scrollSensitivity;
var b = e.nestedSortCfg.scrollSpeed;
var c = jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.currentPointer;
var d = jQuery.iUtil.getScroll();
if ((c.y - d.ih) - d.t > -a) {
window.scrollBy(0, b)
if (c.y - d.t < a) {
window.scrollBy(0, -b)
check: function (a) {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.oldCheck(a)
oldCheck: jQuery.iSort.check,
newCheck: function (a) {
if (jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass && jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting = null;
jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass = ""
if (jQuery.iDrop.overzone.isNestedSortable) {
jQuery.iDrop.overzone.nestedSortCfg.remeasured = false
serialize: function (s) {
if (jQuery('#' + s).get(0).isNestedSortable) {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.newSerialize(s)
} else {
return jQuery.iNestedSortable.oldSerialize(s)
oldSerialize: jQuery.iSort.serialize,
newSerialize: function (s) {
var i;
var h = '';
var j = '';
var o = {};
var e;
var k = function (f) {
var g = [];
thisChildren = jQuery(f).children('.' + jQuery.iSort.collected[s]);
thisChildren.each(function (i) {
var a = jQuery.attr(this, 'id');
if (a && a.match) {
a = a.match(e.nestedSortCfg.serializeRegExp)[0]
if (h.length > 0) {
h += '&'
h += s + j + '[' + i + '][id]=' + a;
g[i] = {
id: a
var b = jQuery(this).children(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + "." + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass.split(" ").join(".")).get(0);
var c = j;
j += '[' + i + '][children]';
var d = k(b);
if (d.length > 0) {
g[i].children = d
j = c
return g
if (s) {
if (jQuery.iSort.collected[s]) {
e = jQuery('#' + s).get(0);
o[s] = k(e)
} else {
for (a in s) {
if (jQuery.iSort.collected[s[a]]) {
e = jQuery('#' + s[a]).get(0);
o[s[a]] = k(e)
} else {
for (i in jQuery.iSort.collected) {
e = jQuery('#' + i).get(0);
o[i] = k(e)
return {
hash: h,
o: o
findPrecedingItem: function (e) {
var d = 0;
var f = jQuery.grep(e.dropCfg.el, function (i) {
var a = (i.pos.y < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.ny) && (i.pos.y > d);
if (!a) {
return false
var b;
if (e.nestedSortCfg.rightToLeft) {
b = (i.pos.x + i.pos.wb + e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance > jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx + jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.oC.wb)
} else {
b = (i.pos.x - e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx)
if (!b) {
return false
var c = jQuery.iNestedSortable.isBeingDragged(e, i);
if (c) {
return false
d = i.pos.y;
return true
if (f.length > 0) {
return f[(f.length - 1)]
} else {
return null
isTouchingFirstItem: function (e) {
var c;
var d = jQuery.grep(e.dropCfg.el, function (i) {
var a = (c === undefined || i.pos.y < c);
if (!a) {
return false
var b = jQuery.iNestedSortable.isBeingDragged(e, i);
if (b) {
return false
c = i.pos.y;
return true
if (d.length > 0) {
d = d[(d.length - 1)];
return d.pos.y < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.ny + jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.oC.hb && d.pos.y > jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.ny
} else {
return false
isBeingDragged: function (e, a) {
var b = jQuery.iDrag.dragged;
if (!b) {
return false
if (a == b) {
return true
if (jQuery(a).parents("." + e.sortCfg.accept.split(" ").join(".")).filter(function () {
return this == b
}).length !== 0) {
return true
} else {
return false
shouldNestItem: function (e, a) {
if (!a) {
return false
if (e.nestedSortCfg.noNestingClass && jQuery(a).filter("." + e.nestedSortCfg.noNestingClass).get(0) === a) {
return false
if (e.nestedSortCfg.rightToLeft) {
return a.pos.x + a.pos.wb - (e.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace - e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance) > jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx + jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.oC.wb
} else {
return a.pos.x + (e.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace - e.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance) < jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx
nestItem: function (e, a) {
var b = jQuery(a).children(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + "." + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass.split(" ").join("."));
var c = jQuery.iSort.helper;
styleHelper = c.get(0).style;
styleHelper.width = 'auto';
if (!b.size()) {
var d = "<" + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + " class='" + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass + "'></" + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + ">";
b = jQuery(a).append(d).children(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag).css(e.nestedSortCfg.styleToAttach)
jQuery.iNestedSortable.updateCurrentNestingClass(e, b);
appendItem: function (e, a) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.updateCurrentNestingClass(e, jQuery(a).parent());
insertOnTop: function (e) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.updateCurrentNestingClass(e, e);
beforeHelperRemove: function (e) {
var a = jQuery.iSort.helper.parent(e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag + "." + e.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass.split(" ").join("."));
var b = a.children("." + e.sortCfg.accept.split(" ").join(".") + ":visible").size();
if (b === 0 && a.get(0) !== e) {
afterHelperInsert: function (e) {
var a = jQuery.iSort.helper.parent();
if (a.get(0) !== e) {
e.nestedSortCfg.remeasured = false
updateCurrentNestingClass: function (e, a) {
var b = jQuery(a);
if ((e.nestedSortCfg.currentNestingClass) && (!jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting || b.get(0) != jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting.get(0))) {
if (jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting) {
if (b.get(0) != e) {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting = b;
jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass = e.nestedSortCfg.currentNestingClass
} else {
jQuery.iNestedSortable.currentNesting = null;
jQuery.iNestedSortable.latestNestingClass = ""
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function () {
if (this.isNestedSortable) {
this.nestedSortCfg = null;
this.isNestedSortable = null;
build: function (a) {
if (a.accept && jQuery.iUtil && jQuery.iDrag && jQuery.iDrop && jQuery.iSort) {
this.each(function () {
this.isNestedSortable = true;
this.nestedSortCfg = {
noNestingClass: a.noNestingClass ? a.noNestingClass : false,
rightToLeft: a.rightToLeft ? true : false,
nestingPxSpace: parseInt(a.nestingPxSpace, 10) || 30,
currentNestingClass: a.currentNestingClass ? a.currentNestingClass : "",
nestingLimit: a.nestingLimit ? a.nestingLimit : false,
autoScroll: a.autoScroll !== undefined ? a.autoScroll == true : true,
scrollSensitivity: a.scrollSensitivity ? a.scrollSensitivity : 20,
scrollSpeed: a.scrollSpeed ? a.scrollSpeed : 20,
serializeRegExp: a.serializeRegExp ? a.serializeRegExp : /[^\-]*$/
this.nestedSortCfg.snapTolerance = parseInt(this.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace * 0.4, 10);
this.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag = this.tagName;
this.nestedSortCfg.nestingTagClass = this.className;
this.nestedSortCfg.styleToAttach = (this.nestedSortCfg.rightToLeft) ? {
"padding-left": 0,
"padding-right": this.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace + 'px'
} : {
"padding-left": this.nestedSortCfg.nestingPxSpace + 'px',
"padding-right": 0
jQuery(this.nestedSortCfg.nestingTag, this).css(this.nestedSortCfg.styleToAttach)
jQuery.iSort.checkhover = jQuery.iNestedSortable.checkHover;
jQuery.iSort.check = jQuery.iNestedSortable.check;
jQuery.iSort.serialize = jQuery.iNestedSortable.serialize
return this.Sortable(a)
NestedSortable: jQuery.iNestedSortable.build,
NestedSortableDestroy: jQuery.iNestedSortable.destroy
jQuery.iUtil.getScroll = function (e) {
var t, l, w, h, iw, ih;
if (e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
t = e.scrollTop;
l = e.scrollLeft;
w = e.scrollWidth;
h = e.scrollHeight;
iw = 0;
ih = 0
} else {
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
t = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
l = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
w = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight
} else if (document.body) {
t = document.body.scrollTop;
l = document.body.scrollLeft;
w = document.body.scrollWidth;
h = document.body.scrollHeight
iw = self.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || 0;
ih = self.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight || 0
return {
t: t,
l: l,
w: w,
h: h,
iw: iw,
ih: ih
Please help me out. I am sure other Interspire and NestedSortable users would find this useful as well. Thanks for looking, and I do greatly appreciate anyone trying to solve this whether you succeed or not.
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在花了 3 天半的时间尝试调试此问题但没有成功后,我决定尝试 mjsarfatti.com< 的 jQuery 插件< /a> 而不是 code.google.com 中的那个。
使用 Misarfatti 的插件并不能立即使用,因为他确实有一些设置,您必须配置才能使其正常工作,否则它会冻结您的浏览器。我认为在花费数小时从私人管理面板获取所有代码并将其设置为在 jsfiddle 中工作之前值得一试。即使我这样做了,这个问题似乎也没有什么意义,而且可能永远不会得到解决。
After spending 3 and half days trying to debug this without success, I decided to try the jQuery plug-in from mjsarfatti.com instead of the one from code.google.com.
Using the plug-in from Misarfatti didn't work right out of the box, because he does have settings you must configure in order for it to work correctly otherwise it will freeze your browser. I figure this was worth a try before spending hours taking all the code from a private admin panel and setting it up to work in jsfiddle. Even if I did that, this question seems to have little to no interest here, and would probably never get solved.
This was the biggest coding nightmare I have had in over a year, so I figured I would post the solution here in case someone else ran into the same problem. I would hate for someone to go through what I did with it. I can post the full code if requested, although it was pretty straight-forward.