我在 google apps x.eu 和 y.com 上有 2 个域名。 x.eu 最多可容纳 50 位用户,新的 (y.com) 最多可容纳 10 位用户。我想知道是否有一种方法可以在谷歌应用程序上连接这两个域并使用单个控制面板来管理它们。域设置-> 下有一个设置域名-> “添加域或域别名(您可以在任何域中创建用户电子邮件地址和别名。)”。如果我使用这个选项到底会发生什么?那么,
问题 1:有没有办法在 Google 应用程序上连接这两个域并使用单个控制面板进行管理。
问题2:如果我使用“添加域或域别名”,并将 x.eu 添加到 y.com ,到底会发生什么?
另外,当我这样做时,我不想放松旧域 ( x.eu ) 的 50 个用户限制
I have 2 domain names on google apps x.eu and y.com. x.eu with 50 users max and a new one (y.com) with 10 users. I was wandering if there is a way to connect these 2 domains on google apps and manage them with a single control panel. There is a setting under Domain settings -> Domain names -> "Add a domain or a domain alias ( You can create user email addresses and aliases at any of your domains. )". What exactly will happen if I use this option ? so,
Q1: is there a way to connect these 2 domains on google apps and manage them with a single control panel.
Q2: What exactly will happen if I use "Add a domain or a domain alias" , and add x.eu to y.com ?
Also When I do this, I don`t want to loose the 50 users limit on my older domain ( x.eu )
http:// /www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=182452
总之,当用户想要接收来自同一域的电子邮件时,通常会使用域别名,例如[电子邮件受保护] 和 [电子邮件受保护]。 多个域通常用于当您有母公司和子公司并且它们有单独的电子邮件地址时,例如[电子邮件受保护] 和 [电子邮件受保护](Firestone 是 Bridgestone 的全资子公司...尽管我认为他们不在 Google Apps 上)。帮助中心文章有更完整的讨论。
In my answer, I'm going to use the same terminology Google uses. It's OK that you didn't ask the question with these terms, since you don't know what you don't know, and every software uses its own terminology, making it hard to find an answer when you don't know the right search terms to use.
What you're wondering is:
For that, you should check out this help center article:
In summary, domain aliases are typically used when users want to receive email from the same domain, e.g. [email protected] and [email protected]. Multiple domains are typically used when you have a parent company and a subsidiary company, and they have separate email addresses, e.g. [email protected] and [email protected] (Firestone is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bridgestone... though I don't think they're on Google Apps). The help center article has a more complete discussion.
No, sorry, that won't work.