有人用过 Twitter + OAuth 库并转发了?
- (NSString *)sendRetweet: **(unsigned long)updateID**
if (updateID == 0){
return nil;
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"statuses/retweet/%u.%@", updateID, API_FORMAT];
return [self _sendRequestWithMethod:HTTP_POST_METHOD pathath
queryParameters:nil body:nil
我不知道 updateId 是什么。我尝试使用 json 中的 id,但我不知道正确的 id 是什么..:
contributors = "";
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"created_at" = "Wed Aug 24 07:41:50 +0000 2011";
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"source_api_request_type" = 1;
text = "Buenos d\U00edas familia! Vuelve Tom Waits... http://t.co/3fbLqbb #musica";
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"created_at" = "Tue Jan 13 14:25:32 +0000 2009";
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"utc_offset" = 3600;
verified = false;
I'm trying to manage this library and want to make a retweet messages.
The method in particular is this:
- (NSString *)sendRetweet: **(unsigned long)updateID**
if (updateID == 0){
return nil;
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"statuses/retweet/%u.%@", updateID, API_FORMAT];
return [self _sendRequestWithMethod:HTTP_POST_METHOD pathath
queryParameters:nil body:nil
This method is not implemented in the library itself and I've added.
i don´t know what is the updateId. i try to used a id from the json but i don´t know what is the correct id..:
See dictionary: {
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coordinates = "";
"created_at" = "Wed Aug 24 07:41:50 +0000 2011";
favorited = false;
geo = "";
id = **106269972766011392**;
"in_reply_to_screen_name" = "";
"in_reply_to_status_id" = "";
"in_reply_to_user_id" = "";
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"retweet_count" = 0;
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source = "<a href=\"http://www.tweetdeck.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">TweetDeck</a>";
"source_api_request_type" = 1;
text = "Buenos d\U00edas familia! Vuelve Tom Waits... http://t.co/3fbLqbb #musica";
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"created_at" = "Tue Jan 13 14:25:32 +0000 2009";
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name = "vodafone_espa\U00f1a";
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See if someone used this functionality and I can lend a hand!
Thank you very much in advance!
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
尝试将以下代码中的 %u 更改为 %@ 并将更新 ID 作为 NSString
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"statuses/retweet/%u.%@", updateID, API_FORMAT];
中的更新 ID 早已超过了 unsigned int 最大值:-)。
Try changing the %u in the following code to a %@ and pass update ID as NSString
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"statuses/retweet/%u.%@", updateID, API_FORMAT];
Update IDs in twitter have long passed unsigned int max values :-).
Also you have to update the method signature to pass string instead of unsigned int.