SVN 签入修订版本只能在同一台机器上看到
我遇到了一个奇怪的 SVN 问题。问题是我不久前在 xxxx 修订版下签入了我的文件,但似乎该修订版没有进入存储库。基本上,当我尝试通过日志搜索它时,它不在那里,并且没有其他人进行该修订更改。乌龟显示我已经得到了最新版本。我什至尝试删除文件和 SVN 更新。它仍然得到我的签入修订。我还尝试在乌龟中对其进行比较,它表明我的本地版本与存储库不同。我认为不知何故文件没有提交,它仍然存储/缓存在乌龟的某个地方。所以我的问题是,如果我不想丢失我的更改,我该怎么办?提前致谢!
I have encountered a strange SVN problem. The problem is that I checked in my files a while ago under xxxx revision, but it seems this revision didn't go to repository. Basically when I am trying to search it through logs its not there and no one else has that revision changes. Tortoise shows that I have got latest version. I even tried to delete file and SVN update. It still gets my checked in revision. Also I have tried to diff it within tortoise and it shows that my local version is different from repositories. I think that somehow file wasn't committed and it is still stored/cached somewhere in tortoise. So my question is what can I do about this situation if I don't want to lose my changes? Thanks in advance!
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尝试将源文件从项目文件夹导出到另一个文件夹 (F)。然后从 SVN 签出源,然后将文件从文件夹 (F) 复制到 ProjectFolder。然后再次提交。
Try to Export your sources from Project folder to another folder (F). Then CheckOut sources from SVN and then copy files from folder (F) to ProjectFolder. And then commit again.
查看日志以查找您签入的这些修订之一(在本地,使用 Tortoise)。查看修订号。现在使用另一个工作站查看同一天的日志条目,并比较修订号。他们看起来同步吗?如果它们差异很大,例如其他人看到当天的修订版 12300-12388,但您的工作站显示修订版 55-58,那么您肯定不是指向同一个存储库。
Look at the log for one of these revisions that you checked in (locally, using Tortoise). Look at the revision number. Now use another workstation to look at log entries from the same day, and compare the revision numbers. Do they seem to be in sync? If they're wildly different, such as everybody else sees revisions 12300-12388 for the day in question, but your workstation shows revisions 55-58, then you're definitely not pointing at the same repository.