创建自定义键盘并在您的 iPhone 上配置它

发布于 2024-12-01 09:01:06 字数 449 浏览 6 评论 0原文

我正在致力于创建由 EMOJI 呈现的自定义键盘,其中包含字符和图形图标,如笑脸和其他日常使用的符号。到目前为止,我了解到这些符号具有已添加到 Unicode 中的 unicode 标准联盟并得到苹果公司的批准。

http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ emoji-free!/id332509635?mt=8

我需要有关这些符号注册过程的帮助。是否可以使键盘兼容 iPhone 上安装的所有应用程序中的文本输入,如果可以的话,如何继续?



谢谢 维卡斯·奥贾

I am working on creating custom keyboardas presented by EMOJI with having characters and pictorial icons like smileys and other day to day used symbols.So far i came to know that these symbols have unicode standards that are added to Unicode Consortium and approved by Apple.


I need help regarding the process these symbols are registered. Is it possible to make the keyboard compatible for text inputting in all the apps installed on iphone if so How to proceed ?.

NOTE:Are these keyboards approved by apple or apps with them gets rejected.. ...Any idea

Any help would be appreciated .

Vikas Ojha

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一江春梦 2024-12-08 09:01:06

表情符号键盘是 iOS 中内置的。

AppStore 上现有的所有“表情符号”应用程序(例如“无表情符号!”)所做的唯一一件事是,它们在系统偏好设置中激活此键盘,因为它默认情况下是隐藏的。
这些应用程序不会“创建和安装”键盘本身,也不会安装图标和字形(符号),笑脸也已经内置在 iOS 中。

例如,如果 iPhone 用户收到包含一些笑脸的短信 (SMS),即使他们没有安装任何“表情符号启用器”应用程序(如“无表情符号!”),他们也会看到该笑脸。

更准确地说,Apple 嵌入 iPhone 字体中的表情符号图标并未得到 Unicode 标准的认可。它们位于 Unicode 的“私有”平面:它们的代码点位于专门为私人用途保留的范围内 - 就像苹果公司将其用于这些表情符号一样 - 但根据定义,因为它是一个私有区域,这些代码点在应用程序中没有专用名称和标准化用法(与 U+0041 等代码点相反,U+0041 专用于代表拉丁字母“A”的字形)

The Emoji keyboard is build-in in iOS.

The only thing all the "Emoji" apps existing on the AppStore (like "emoji-free!") are doing, is that they activate this keyboard in the System Preferences, because it is hidden by default.
These apps don't "create and install" the keyboard itself neither do they install the icons and glyphs (symbols), the smileys are already built-in in iOS too.

For example if an iPhone user receive a text message (SMS) containing some smileys, they do will see the smiley, even if they don't have installed any "Emoji-enabler" app like "Emoji-free!".

To be more precise, the emoji icons that Apple embedded in the iPhone fonts are not approved by the Unicode Standard. They are located in the "private" plane of Unicode: their codepoint is in a range that is especially reserved for private uses -- like the one Apple does by using it for these emojis -- but by definition as it is a private region, there is no dedicated name and standardized usage of these codepoint accross applications (contrary to codepoints like U+0041 which is dedicated to the glyph representing the latin letter "A")

眼泪都笑了 2024-12-08 09:01:06

这就是我为了制作表情符号键盘所做的事情。首先,我创建了一个带有两个按钮的自定义视图,并设置 self.textView.inputAccessoryView = self.accessoryView,然后让这两个按钮执行以下操作:

- (IBAction)emoticons:(id)sender 
    [self.textView resignFirstResponder];
    self.textView.inputView = self.emotiview.view;
    [self.textView becomeFirstResponder];

- (IBAction)text:(id)sender 
    [self.textView resignFirstResponder];
    self.textView.inputView = nil; // sets it back to it's initial form
    [self.textView becomeFirstResponder];


for( int i = 0; i < self.emoticonsCharacters.count; i++ )
        UIButton* button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
        button.frame = CGRectMake((i % 5)*50, 10 + 50*(i / 5), 45, 45);
        [button setTitle: [self.emoticonsCharacters objectAtIndex:i] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        [button addTarget:self action:@selector(enterEmoticon:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
        [self.emoticonsView1 addSubview:button];


-(NSArray*) emoticonsCharacters
        // unicode taken from http://www.easyapns.com/iphone-emoji-alerts
        emoticonsCharacters = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"\ue415",@"\ue056",@"\ue057", @"\ue414",@"\ue405",  @"\ue418", @"\ue417", @"\ue40d", @"\ue40a", @"\ue404", @"\ue105", @"\ue409", @"\ue40e", @"\ue402", @"\ue108", @"\ue403", @"\ue058", @"\ue407", @"\ue401", @"\ue40f", @"\ue40b", @"\ue406", @"\ue413", @"\ue411", @"\ue412", @"\ue410", @"\ue107", @"\ue059", @"\ue416", @"\ue408", @"\ue40c", @"\ue11a", @"\ue10c", @"\ue32c", @"\ue32a", @"\ue32d", @"\ue328", @"\ue32b", @"\ue022", @"\ue023", @"\ue327", @"\ue329", @"\ue32e", @"\ue32f", @"\ue335", @"\ue334", @"\ue021", @"\ue337", @"\ue020", @"\ue336", @"\ue13c", @"\ue330", @"\ue331", @"\ue326", @"\ue03e", @"\ue11d", @"\ue05a", @"\ue00e", @"\ue421", @"\ue420", @"\ue00d", @"\ue010", @"\ue011", @"\ue41e", @"\ue012", @"\ue422", @"\ue22e", @"\ue22f", @"\ue231", @"\ue230", @"\ue427", @"\ue41d", @"\ue00f", @"\ue41f", @"\ue14c", @"\ue201", @"\ue115", @"\ue428", @"\ue51f", @"\ue429", @"\ue424", @"\ue423", @"\ue253", @"\ue426", @"\ue111", @"\ue425", @"\ue31e", @"\ue31f", @"\ue31d", @"\ue001", @"\ue002", @"\ue005", @"\ue004", @"\ue51a", @"\ue519", @"\ue518", @"\ue515", @"\ue516", @"\ue517", @"\ue51b", @"\ue152", @"\ue04e", @"\ue51c", @"\ue51e", @"\ue11c", @"\ue536", @"\ue003", @"\ue41c", @"\ue41b", @"\ue419", @"\ue41a", @"\ue04a", @"\ue04b", @"\ue049", @"\ue048", @"\ue04c", @"\ue13d", @"\ue443", @"\ue43e", @"\ue04f", @"\ue052", @"\ue053", @"\ue524", @"\ue52c", @"\ue52a", @"\ue531", @"\ue050", @"\ue527", @"\ue051", @"\ue10b", @"\ue52b", @"\ue52f", @"\ue528", @"\ue01a", @"\ue134", @"\ue530", @"\ue529", @"\ue526", @"\ue52d", @"\ue521", @"\ue523", @"\ue52e", @"\ue055", @"\ue525", @"\ue10a", @"\ue109", @"\ue522", @"\ue019", @"\ue054", @"\ue520", @"\ue306", @"\ue030", @"\ue304", @"\ue110", @"\ue032", @"\ue305", @"\ue303", @"\ue118", @"\ue447", @"\ue119", @"\ue307", @"\ue308", @"\ue444", @"\ue441", @"\ue436", @"\ue437", @"\ue438", @"\ue43a", @"\ue439", @"\ue43b", @"\ue117", @"\ue440", @"\ue442", @"\ue446", @"\ue445", @"\ue11b", @"\ue448", @"\ue033", @"\ue112", @"\ue325", @"\ue312", @"\ue310", @"\ue126", @"\ue127", @"\ue008", @"\ue03d", @"\ue00c", @"\ue12a", @"\ue00a", @"\ue00b", @"\ue009", @"\ue316", @"\ue129", @"\ue141", @"\ue142", @"\ue317", @"\ue128", @"\ue14b", @"\ue211", @"\ue114", @"\ue145", @"\ue144", @"\ue03f", @"\ue313", @"\ue116", @"\ue10f", @"\ue104", @"\ue103", @"\ue101", @"\ue102", @"\ue13f", @"\ue140", @"\ue11f", @"\ue12f", @"\ue031", @"\ue30e", @"\ue311", @"\ue113", @"\ue30f", @"\ue13b", @"\ue42b", @"\ue42a", @"\ue018", @"\ue016", @"\ue015", @"\ue014", @"\ue42c", @"\ue42d", @"\ue017", @"\ue013", @"\ue20e", @"\ue20c", @"\ue20f", @"\ue20d", @"\ue131", @"\ue12b", @"\ue130", @"\ue12d", @"\ue324", @"\ue301", @"\ue148", @"\ue502", @"\ue03c", @"\ue30a", @"\ue042", @"\ue040", @"\ue041", @"\ue12c", @"\ue007", @"\ue31a", @"\ue13e", @"\ue31b", @"\ue006", @"\ue302", @"\ue319", @"\ue321", @"\ue322", @"\ue314", @"\ue503", @"\ue10e", @"\ue318", @"\ue43c", @"\ue11e", @"\ue323", @"\ue31c", @"\ue034", @"\ue035", @"\ue045", @"\ue338", @"\ue047", @"\ue30c", @"\ue044", @"\ue30b", @"\ue043", @"\ue120", @"\ue33b", @"\ue33f", @"\ue341", @"\ue34c", @"\ue344", @"\ue342", @"\ue33d", @"\ue33e", @"\ue340", @"\ue34d", @"\ue339", @"\ue147", @"\ue343", @"\ue33c", @"\ue33a", @"\ue43f", @"\ue34b", @"\ue046", @"\ue345", @"\ue346", @"\ue348", @"\ue347", @"\ue34a", @"\ue349", @"\ue036", @"\ue157", @"\ue038", @"\ue153", @"\ue155", @"\ue14d", @"\ue156", @"\ue501", @"\ue158", @"\ue43d", @"\ue037", @"\ue504", @"\ue44a", @"\ue146", @"\ue50a", @"\ue505", @"\ue506", @"\ue122", @"\ue508", @"\ue509", @"\ue03b", @"\ue04d", @"\ue449", @"\ue44b", @"\ue51d", @"\ue44c", @"\ue124", @"\ue121", @"\ue433", @"\ue202", @"\ue135", @"\ue01c", @"\ue01d", @"\ue10d", @"\ue136", @"\ue42e", @"\ue01b", @"\ue15a", @"\ue159", @"\ue432", @"\ue430", @"\ue431", @"\ue42f", @"\ue01e", @"\ue039", @"\ue435", @"\ue01f", @"\ue125", @"\ue03a", @"\ue14e", @"\ue252", @"\ue137", @"\ue209", @"\ue154", @"\ue133", @"\ue150", @"\ue320", @"\ue123", @"\ue132", @"\ue143", @"\ue50b", @"\ue514", @"\ue513", @"\ue50c", @"\ue50d", @"\ue511", @"\ue50f", @"\ue512", @"\ue510", @"\ue50e", @"\ue21c", @"\ue21d", @"\ue21e", @"\ue21f", @"\ue220", @"\ue221", @"\ue222", @"\ue223", @"\ue224", @"\ue225", @"\ue210", @"\ue232", @"\ue233", @"\ue235", @"\ue234", @"\ue236", @"\ue237", @"\ue238", @"\ue239", @"\ue23b", @"\ue23a", @"\ue23d", @"\ue23c", @"\ue24d", @"\ue212", @"\ue24c", @"\ue213", @"\ue214", @"\ue507", @"\ue203", @"\ue20b", @"\ue22a", @"\ue22b", @"\ue226", @"\ue227", @"\ue22c", @"\ue22d", @"\ue215", @"\ue216", @"\ue217", @"\ue218", @"\ue228", @"\ue151", @"\ue138", @"\ue139", @"\ue13a", @"\ue208", @"\ue14f", @"\ue20a", @"\ue434", @"\ue309", @"\ue315", @"\ue30d", @"\ue207", @"\ue229", @"\ue206", @"\ue205", @"\ue204", @"\ue12e", @"\ue250", @"\ue251", @"\ue14a", @"\ue149", @"\ue23f", @"\ue240", @"\ue241", @"\ue242", @"\ue243", @"\ue244", @"\ue245", @"\ue246", @"\ue247", @"\ue248", @"\ue249", @"\ue24a", @"\ue24b", @"\ue23e", @"\ue532", @"\ue533", @"\ue534", @"\ue535", @"\ue21a", @"\ue219", @"\ue21b", @"\ue02f", @"\ue024", @"\ue025", @"\ue026", @"\ue027", @"\ue028", @"\ue029", @"\ue02a", @"\ue02b", @"\ue02c", @"\ue02d", @"\ue02e",@"\ue332",@"\ue333",@"\ue24e", @"\ue24f",@"\ue537", nil];

    return emoticonsCharacters;

Here's what I did in order to make a emoticons keyboard. First I created a custom view with two buttons and set self.textView.inputAccessoryView = self.accessoryView then had the two buttons do the following:

- (IBAction)emoticons:(id)sender 
    [self.textView resignFirstResponder];
    self.textView.inputView = self.emotiview.view;
    [self.textView becomeFirstResponder];

- (IBAction)text:(id)sender 
    [self.textView resignFirstResponder];
    self.textView.inputView = nil; // sets it back to it's initial form
    [self.textView becomeFirstResponder];

Beneath is a snippet of the code for creating all of the buttons and putting them into a view, which is in a scrollview.

for( int i = 0; i < self.emoticonsCharacters.count; i++ )
        UIButton* button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
        button.frame = CGRectMake((i % 5)*50, 10 + 50*(i / 5), 45, 45);
        [button setTitle: [self.emoticonsCharacters objectAtIndex:i] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        [button addTarget:self action:@selector(enterEmoticon:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
        [self.emoticonsView1 addSubview:button];

This is an array of all of the emoticons Characters.

-(NSArray*) emoticonsCharacters
        // unicode taken from http://www.easyapns.com/iphone-emoji-alerts
        emoticonsCharacters = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"\ue415",@"\ue056",@"\ue057", @"\ue414",@"\ue405",  @"\ue418", @"\ue417", @"\ue40d", @"\ue40a", @"\ue404", @"\ue105", @"\ue409", @"\ue40e", @"\ue402", @"\ue108", @"\ue403", @"\ue058", @"\ue407", @"\ue401", @"\ue40f", @"\ue40b", @"\ue406", @"\ue413", @"\ue411", @"\ue412", @"\ue410", @"\ue107", @"\ue059", @"\ue416", @"\ue408", @"\ue40c", @"\ue11a", @"\ue10c", @"\ue32c", @"\ue32a", @"\ue32d", @"\ue328", @"\ue32b", @"\ue022", @"\ue023", @"\ue327", @"\ue329", @"\ue32e", @"\ue32f", @"\ue335", @"\ue334", @"\ue021", @"\ue337", @"\ue020", @"\ue336", @"\ue13c", @"\ue330", @"\ue331", @"\ue326", @"\ue03e", @"\ue11d", @"\ue05a", @"\ue00e", @"\ue421", @"\ue420", @"\ue00d", @"\ue010", @"\ue011", @"\ue41e", @"\ue012", @"\ue422", @"\ue22e", @"\ue22f", @"\ue231", @"\ue230", @"\ue427", @"\ue41d", @"\ue00f", @"\ue41f", @"\ue14c", @"\ue201", @"\ue115", @"\ue428", @"\ue51f", @"\ue429", @"\ue424", @"\ue423", @"\ue253", @"\ue426", @"\ue111", @"\ue425", @"\ue31e", @"\ue31f", @"\ue31d", @"\ue001", @"\ue002", @"\ue005", @"\ue004", @"\ue51a", @"\ue519", @"\ue518", @"\ue515", @"\ue516", @"\ue517", @"\ue51b", @"\ue152", @"\ue04e", @"\ue51c", @"\ue51e", @"\ue11c", @"\ue536", @"\ue003", @"\ue41c", @"\ue41b", @"\ue419", @"\ue41a", @"\ue04a", @"\ue04b", @"\ue049", @"\ue048", @"\ue04c", @"\ue13d", @"\ue443", @"\ue43e", @"\ue04f", @"\ue052", @"\ue053", @"\ue524", @"\ue52c", @"\ue52a", @"\ue531", @"\ue050", @"\ue527", @"\ue051", @"\ue10b", @"\ue52b", @"\ue52f", @"\ue528", @"\ue01a", @"\ue134", @"\ue530", @"\ue529", @"\ue526", @"\ue52d", @"\ue521", @"\ue523", @"\ue52e", @"\ue055", @"\ue525", @"\ue10a", @"\ue109", @"\ue522", @"\ue019", @"\ue054", @"\ue520", @"\ue306", @"\ue030", @"\ue304", @"\ue110", @"\ue032", @"\ue305", @"\ue303", @"\ue118", @"\ue447", @"\ue119", @"\ue307", @"\ue308", @"\ue444", @"\ue441", @"\ue436", @"\ue437", @"\ue438", @"\ue43a", @"\ue439", @"\ue43b", @"\ue117", @"\ue440", @"\ue442", @"\ue446", @"\ue445", @"\ue11b", @"\ue448", @"\ue033", @"\ue112", @"\ue325", @"\ue312", @"\ue310", @"\ue126", @"\ue127", @"\ue008", @"\ue03d", @"\ue00c", @"\ue12a", @"\ue00a", @"\ue00b", @"\ue009", @"\ue316", @"\ue129", @"\ue141", @"\ue142", @"\ue317", @"\ue128", @"\ue14b", @"\ue211", @"\ue114", @"\ue145", @"\ue144", @"\ue03f", @"\ue313", @"\ue116", @"\ue10f", @"\ue104", @"\ue103", @"\ue101", @"\ue102", @"\ue13f", @"\ue140", @"\ue11f", @"\ue12f", @"\ue031", @"\ue30e", @"\ue311", @"\ue113", @"\ue30f", @"\ue13b", @"\ue42b", @"\ue42a", @"\ue018", @"\ue016", @"\ue015", @"\ue014", @"\ue42c", @"\ue42d", @"\ue017", @"\ue013", @"\ue20e", @"\ue20c", @"\ue20f", @"\ue20d", @"\ue131", @"\ue12b", @"\ue130", @"\ue12d", @"\ue324", @"\ue301", @"\ue148", @"\ue502", @"\ue03c", @"\ue30a", @"\ue042", @"\ue040", @"\ue041", @"\ue12c", @"\ue007", @"\ue31a", @"\ue13e", @"\ue31b", @"\ue006", @"\ue302", @"\ue319", @"\ue321", @"\ue322", @"\ue314", @"\ue503", @"\ue10e", @"\ue318", @"\ue43c", @"\ue11e", @"\ue323", @"\ue31c", @"\ue034", @"\ue035", @"\ue045", @"\ue338", @"\ue047", @"\ue30c", @"\ue044", @"\ue30b", @"\ue043", @"\ue120", @"\ue33b", @"\ue33f", @"\ue341", @"\ue34c", @"\ue344", @"\ue342", @"\ue33d", @"\ue33e", @"\ue340", @"\ue34d", @"\ue339", @"\ue147", @"\ue343", @"\ue33c", @"\ue33a", @"\ue43f", @"\ue34b", @"\ue046", @"\ue345", @"\ue346", @"\ue348", @"\ue347", @"\ue34a", @"\ue349", @"\ue036", @"\ue157", @"\ue038", @"\ue153", @"\ue155", @"\ue14d", @"\ue156", @"\ue501", @"\ue158", @"\ue43d", @"\ue037", @"\ue504", @"\ue44a", @"\ue146", @"\ue50a", @"\ue505", @"\ue506", @"\ue122", @"\ue508", @"\ue509", @"\ue03b", @"\ue04d", @"\ue449", @"\ue44b", @"\ue51d", @"\ue44c", @"\ue124", @"\ue121", @"\ue433", @"\ue202", @"\ue135", @"\ue01c", @"\ue01d", @"\ue10d", @"\ue136", @"\ue42e", @"\ue01b", @"\ue15a", @"\ue159", @"\ue432", @"\ue430", @"\ue431", @"\ue42f", @"\ue01e", @"\ue039", @"\ue435", @"\ue01f", @"\ue125", @"\ue03a", @"\ue14e", @"\ue252", @"\ue137", @"\ue209", @"\ue154", @"\ue133", @"\ue150", @"\ue320", @"\ue123", @"\ue132", @"\ue143", @"\ue50b", @"\ue514", @"\ue513", @"\ue50c", @"\ue50d", @"\ue511", @"\ue50f", @"\ue512", @"\ue510", @"\ue50e", @"\ue21c", @"\ue21d", @"\ue21e", @"\ue21f", @"\ue220", @"\ue221", @"\ue222", @"\ue223", @"\ue224", @"\ue225", @"\ue210", @"\ue232", @"\ue233", @"\ue235", @"\ue234", @"\ue236", @"\ue237", @"\ue238", @"\ue239", @"\ue23b", @"\ue23a", @"\ue23d", @"\ue23c", @"\ue24d", @"\ue212", @"\ue24c", @"\ue213", @"\ue214", @"\ue507", @"\ue203", @"\ue20b", @"\ue22a", @"\ue22b", @"\ue226", @"\ue227", @"\ue22c", @"\ue22d", @"\ue215", @"\ue216", @"\ue217", @"\ue218", @"\ue228", @"\ue151", @"\ue138", @"\ue139", @"\ue13a", @"\ue208", @"\ue14f", @"\ue20a", @"\ue434", @"\ue309", @"\ue315", @"\ue30d", @"\ue207", @"\ue229", @"\ue206", @"\ue205", @"\ue204", @"\ue12e", @"\ue250", @"\ue251", @"\ue14a", @"\ue149", @"\ue23f", @"\ue240", @"\ue241", @"\ue242", @"\ue243", @"\ue244", @"\ue245", @"\ue246", @"\ue247", @"\ue248", @"\ue249", @"\ue24a", @"\ue24b", @"\ue23e", @"\ue532", @"\ue533", @"\ue534", @"\ue535", @"\ue21a", @"\ue219", @"\ue21b", @"\ue02f", @"\ue024", @"\ue025", @"\ue026", @"\ue027", @"\ue028", @"\ue029", @"\ue02a", @"\ue02b", @"\ue02c", @"\ue02d", @"\ue02e",@"\ue332",@"\ue333",@"\ue24e", @"\ue24f",@"\ue537", nil];

    return emoticonsCharacters;
无可置疑 2024-12-08 09:01:06

作为我之前答案的补充,无论如何,您可以在自己的应用程序上拥有自定义键盘:您可以将任何 UIView 定义为 UITextField 或 UITextView 的“inputView”(检查 inputView @property 在文档中)。

例如,您可以编写 self.myTextField.inputView = myPicker; 其中 myPicker 是您之前创建的 UIDatePickerView(通过代码或在 XIB 文件中),当用户点击文本字段以赋予其焦点时(=使其成为firstResponder),iOS将显示UIDatePicker而不是标准键盘。

但是当然这仅限于您的应用程序,以及文本字段和文本字段。您为其配置的文本视图。也就是说,它不是作为“备用输入键盘”呈现的,您可以使用键盘上的“地球图标”进行切换,就像表情符号键盘或当您从 QWERTY 切换到 AZERTY 时(或您在其中激活的任何其他键盘)一样。您的 iPhone 设置)。所以这与您描述的“表情符号”案例的用法并不相同。

As an addition to my previous answer, you can have your custom keyboard on your own app, anyway: you can define any UIView to be the "inputView" of a UITextField or UITextView (check the inputView @property in the documentation).

For example you could write self.myTextField.inputView = myPicker; where myPicker is an UIDatePickerView you created previously (by code or in your XIB file) and when the user tap on the textfield to give it the focus (= make it the firstResponder), instead of the standard keyboard, iOS will display the UIDatePicker.

But of course this is limited to your application, and for the textFields & textViews for which you configure it. That is, it is not presented as an "alternate input keyboard" you can switch onto using the "globe icon" on the keyboard, like for the Emoji keyboard or like when you switch from QWERTY to AZERTY (or any other keyboard you activated in your iPhone Settings). So this is not really the same usage as the "Emoji" case you describe.

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