MS Access 2003 中的复合键
问题一: 以及如何创建两个字段作为主键(属性A为主键 并且属性 B 是主键)
问题 2: 如何
在 MS Access 2003 中
创建复合键(属性 A 和 B 一起作为主键)。提前致谢..
Question 1:
And how to create two fields as primary keys(Attribute A is primary key
and Attribute B is primary key)
Question 2:
How to create composite key(Attribute A and B together as primary key)
In MS Access 2003.
Thanks in Advance..
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虽然您无法创建 2 个主键,但您可以将索引设置设置为
(无重复),这将防止输入 2 个相同的条目,并提供更快的搜索速度。Although you can't create 2 primary keys, you can set the indexed setting to
(No Duplicates), this will prevent 2 entries the same being entered and also provide faster searching.您可以选择这两个字段,按住 Shift 键,然后右键单击并选择主键。这将使两个键成为主键。这意味着组合必须始终是唯一的,我想这应该回答这两个问题。
You can select both fields, hold the shift key and then right click and choice primary key. This will make both keys primary key. Meaning the combination must always be unique, and I guess this should answer both questions.