使用 C++11 可变参数模板在编译时快速排序
我刚刚通过使用 C++11 可变参数模板在编译时对其进行评估来实现快速排序算法。但是,当数据集太大时,我会遇到性能问题。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<int... vs>
struct Seq
template<int v1, int...vs>
struct Seq<v1, vs...>{
template<typename newT, typename srcT>
struct PushFront{
template<int vadded, int...vs>
struct PushFront<Seq<vadded>, Seq<vs...>>{
typedef Seq<vadded, vs...> ResultType;
template<typename T>
struct PopFront{
template<int v1, int...vs>
struct PopFront<Seq<v1, vs...>>{
typedef Seq<vs...> RemaindType;
typedef Seq<v1> ResultType;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct CatSeq{};
template<int...v, int...us>
struct CatSeq<Seq<v...>, Seq<us...>>{
typedef Seq< v..., us... > ResultType;
template<bool c, typename NewT, typename TrueClsT, typename FalseClsT>
struct Classify{
template<typename NewT, typename TrueClsT, typename FalseClsT>
struct Classify<true, NewT, TrueClsT, FalseClsT>{
typedef typename PushFront<NewT, TrueClsT>::ResultType NewTrueClsT;
typedef FalseClsT NewFalseClsT;
template<typename NewT, typename TrueClsT, typename FalseClsT>
struct Classify<false, NewT, TrueClsT, FalseClsT>{
typedef TrueClsT NewTrueClsT;
typedef typename PushFront<NewT, FalseClsT>::ResultType NewFalseClsT;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct Compare{};
template<int v1, int v2>
struct Compare<Seq<v1>, Seq<v2>>{
static const bool result=(v1>=v2);
template<typename AnchorT, typename SeqT, typename GESet, typename LSet>
struct PartitionImpl{};
template<typename GESet, typename LSet, int anchorv, int v1>
struct PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>{
static const bool isge=Compare<typename PopFront<Seq<v1>>::ResultType, Seq<anchorv>>::result;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewTrueClsT RstGESet;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewFalseClsT RstLSet;
template<typename GESet, typename LSet, int anchorv, int v1, int...vs>
struct PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<v1, vs...>, GESet, LSet>{
static const bool isge=Compare<typename PopFront<Seq<v1, vs...>>::ResultType, Seq<anchorv>>::result;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewTrueClsT TmpRstGESet;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewFalseClsT TmpRstLSet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<vs...>, TmpRstGESet, TmpRstLSet>::RstGESet RstGESet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<vs...>, TmpRstGESet, TmpRstLSet>::RstLSet RstLSet;
template<typename T>
struct Partition{
template<int v1, int v2, int...vs>
struct Partition<Seq<v1, v2, vs...>>{
typedef Seq<v1> AnchorType;
typedef Seq<> GESet;
typedef Seq<> LSet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<AnchorType, Seq<v1, v2, vs...>, GESet, LSet>::RstGESet RstGESet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<AnchorType, Seq<v1, v2, vs...>, GESet, LSet>::RstLSet RstLSet;
//why introduce this? refer to Sort
template<typename SrcT, typename GESet, typename LSet, template<typename > class SortOp>
struct SortSub{
typedef typename SortOp<GESet>::ResultType TmpGESet2;
typedef typename SortOp<LSet>::ResultType TmpLSet2;
template<typename SrcT, typename LSet, template<typename> class SortOp>
struct SortSub<SrcT, SrcT, LSet, SortOp>{
typedef SrcT TmpGESet2;
typedef typename SortOp<LSet>::ResultType TmpLSet2;
template<typename SrcT, typename GESet, template<typename> class SortOp>
struct SortSub<SrcT, GESet, SrcT, SortOp>{
typedef typename SortOp<GESet>::ResultType TmpGESet2;
typedef SrcT TmpLSet2;
template<typename T>
struct Sort;
struct Sort<Seq<>>{
typedef Seq<> ResultType;
template<int v>
struct Sort< Seq<v> >{
typedef Seq<v> ResultType;
template<int v1, int...vs>
struct Sort< Seq<v1, vs...> >{
typedef Seq<v1, vs...> SrcType;
typedef typename Partition< Seq<v1, vs...> >::RstGESet TmpGESet;
typedef typename Partition< Seq<v1, vs...> >::RstLSet TmpLSet;
//to by pass the case SrcType <==> TmpGESet or SrcType <==> TmpLSet
typedef typename SortSub<SrcType, TmpGESet, TmpLSet, Sort>::TmpGESet2 TmpGESet2;
typedef typename SortSub<SrcType, TmpGESet, TmpLSet, Sort>::TmpLSet2 TmpLSet2;
typedef typename CatSeq<TmpGESet2, TmpLSet2>::ResultType ResultType;
void dumpSeqTypeImpl(Seq<> ){
template<int v1>
void dumpSeqTypeImpl(Seq<v1> ){
cout<<v1<<" ";
template<int v1, int...vs>
void dumpSeqTypeImpl(Seq<v1, vs...> ){
cout<<v1<<" ";
dumpSeqTypeImpl( Seq<vs...>() );
void dumpSeqType(Seq<vs...> ){
cout<<"Seq type < ";
dumpSeqTypeImpl( Seq<vs...>() );
cout<<" >"<<endl;
//test data
#include "qsort_input.txt"
int main(){
//Seq<> s0;// aggregate ‘Seq<> s0’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
Seq<1> s1;
Seq<1, 2> s2;
typedef Seq<5, 5, 5> TestType_SAME;
TestType_SAME same;
dumpSeqType( same );
typename Partition< TestType_SAME >::RstGESet _ts1;
typename Partition< TestType_SAME >::RstLSet _ts2;
dumpSeqType( _ts1 );
dumpSeqType( _ts2 );
#if 1
typedef Seq<4, 7, 3, 9, 1, 2, 5, 5, 19, 5> TestType;
TestType s3;
dumpSeqType( s3 );
typename Partition< TestType >::RstGESet ts1;
typename Partition< TestType >::RstLSet ts2;
dumpSeqType( ts1 );
dumpSeqType( ts2 );
typename Sort<TestType>::ResultType so1;
dumpSeqType( so1 );
#if 1
typedef Seq<TEST_DATA_100> TAdvanceType;
typename Sort<TAdvanceType>::ResultType soadvance;
return 0;
当数据集为 TEST_DATA_1000 时,编译器似乎停止了......
我正在使用 gcc 4.6.0。
I just implemented the quick sort algorithm by using C++11 variadic templates to evaluate it at compilation time. However, I encounter a performance issue when the data set is too large.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<int... vs>
struct Seq
template<int v1, int...vs>
struct Seq<v1, vs...>{
template<typename newT, typename srcT>
struct PushFront{
template<int vadded, int...vs>
struct PushFront<Seq<vadded>, Seq<vs...>>{
typedef Seq<vadded, vs...> ResultType;
template<typename T>
struct PopFront{
template<int v1, int...vs>
struct PopFront<Seq<v1, vs...>>{
typedef Seq<vs...> RemaindType;
typedef Seq<v1> ResultType;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct CatSeq{};
template<int...v, int...us>
struct CatSeq<Seq<v...>, Seq<us...>>{
typedef Seq< v..., us... > ResultType;
template<bool c, typename NewT, typename TrueClsT, typename FalseClsT>
struct Classify{
template<typename NewT, typename TrueClsT, typename FalseClsT>
struct Classify<true, NewT, TrueClsT, FalseClsT>{
typedef typename PushFront<NewT, TrueClsT>::ResultType NewTrueClsT;
typedef FalseClsT NewFalseClsT;
template<typename NewT, typename TrueClsT, typename FalseClsT>
struct Classify<false, NewT, TrueClsT, FalseClsT>{
typedef TrueClsT NewTrueClsT;
typedef typename PushFront<NewT, FalseClsT>::ResultType NewFalseClsT;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct Compare{};
template<int v1, int v2>
struct Compare<Seq<v1>, Seq<v2>>{
static const bool result=(v1>=v2);
template<typename AnchorT, typename SeqT, typename GESet, typename LSet>
struct PartitionImpl{};
template<typename GESet, typename LSet, int anchorv, int v1>
struct PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>{
static const bool isge=Compare<typename PopFront<Seq<v1>>::ResultType, Seq<anchorv>>::result;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewTrueClsT RstGESet;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewFalseClsT RstLSet;
template<typename GESet, typename LSet, int anchorv, int v1, int...vs>
struct PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<v1, vs...>, GESet, LSet>{
static const bool isge=Compare<typename PopFront<Seq<v1, vs...>>::ResultType, Seq<anchorv>>::result;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewTrueClsT TmpRstGESet;
typedef typename Classify<isge, Seq<v1>, GESet, LSet>::NewFalseClsT TmpRstLSet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<vs...>, TmpRstGESet, TmpRstLSet>::RstGESet RstGESet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<Seq<anchorv>, Seq<vs...>, TmpRstGESet, TmpRstLSet>::RstLSet RstLSet;
template<typename T>
struct Partition{
template<int v1, int v2, int...vs>
struct Partition<Seq<v1, v2, vs...>>{
typedef Seq<v1> AnchorType;
typedef Seq<> GESet;
typedef Seq<> LSet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<AnchorType, Seq<v1, v2, vs...>, GESet, LSet>::RstGESet RstGESet;
typedef typename PartitionImpl<AnchorType, Seq<v1, v2, vs...>, GESet, LSet>::RstLSet RstLSet;
//why introduce this? refer to Sort
template<typename SrcT, typename GESet, typename LSet, template<typename > class SortOp>
struct SortSub{
typedef typename SortOp<GESet>::ResultType TmpGESet2;
typedef typename SortOp<LSet>::ResultType TmpLSet2;
template<typename SrcT, typename LSet, template<typename> class SortOp>
struct SortSub<SrcT, SrcT, LSet, SortOp>{
typedef SrcT TmpGESet2;
typedef typename SortOp<LSet>::ResultType TmpLSet2;
template<typename SrcT, typename GESet, template<typename> class SortOp>
struct SortSub<SrcT, GESet, SrcT, SortOp>{
typedef typename SortOp<GESet>::ResultType TmpGESet2;
typedef SrcT TmpLSet2;
template<typename T>
struct Sort;
struct Sort<Seq<>>{
typedef Seq<> ResultType;
template<int v>
struct Sort< Seq<v> >{
typedef Seq<v> ResultType;
template<int v1, int...vs>
struct Sort< Seq<v1, vs...> >{
typedef Seq<v1, vs...> SrcType;
typedef typename Partition< Seq<v1, vs...> >::RstGESet TmpGESet;
typedef typename Partition< Seq<v1, vs...> >::RstLSet TmpLSet;
//to by pass the case SrcType <==> TmpGESet or SrcType <==> TmpLSet
typedef typename SortSub<SrcType, TmpGESet, TmpLSet, Sort>::TmpGESet2 TmpGESet2;
typedef typename SortSub<SrcType, TmpGESet, TmpLSet, Sort>::TmpLSet2 TmpLSet2;
typedef typename CatSeq<TmpGESet2, TmpLSet2>::ResultType ResultType;
void dumpSeqTypeImpl(Seq<> ){
template<int v1>
void dumpSeqTypeImpl(Seq<v1> ){
cout<<v1<<" ";
template<int v1, int...vs>
void dumpSeqTypeImpl(Seq<v1, vs...> ){
cout<<v1<<" ";
dumpSeqTypeImpl( Seq<vs...>() );
void dumpSeqType(Seq<vs...> ){
cout<<"Seq type < ";
dumpSeqTypeImpl( Seq<vs...>() );
cout<<" >"<<endl;
//test data
#include "qsort_input.txt"
int main(){
//Seq<> s0;// aggregate ‘Seq<> s0’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
Seq<1> s1;
Seq<1, 2> s2;
typedef Seq<5, 5, 5> TestType_SAME;
TestType_SAME same;
dumpSeqType( same );
typename Partition< TestType_SAME >::RstGESet _ts1;
typename Partition< TestType_SAME >::RstLSet _ts2;
dumpSeqType( _ts1 );
dumpSeqType( _ts2 );
#if 1
typedef Seq<4, 7, 3, 9, 1, 2, 5, 5, 19, 5> TestType;
TestType s3;
dumpSeqType( s3 );
typename Partition< TestType >::RstGESet ts1;
typename Partition< TestType >::RstLSet ts2;
dumpSeqType( ts1 );
dumpSeqType( ts2 );
typename Sort<TestType>::ResultType so1;
dumpSeqType( so1 );
#if 1
typedef Seq<TEST_DATA_100> TAdvanceType;
typename Sort<TAdvanceType>::ResultType soadvance;
return 0;
When the data set is TEST_DATA_100, it takes 1.7s to compile.
When the data set is TEST_DATA_1000, the compiler seems to halt....
I'm using gcc 4.6.0.
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出于好奇,我尝试了代码,发现直到 ~500,它大致遵循公式 pow(N*log(N),1.47)*0.0004+0.6,但随后开始变得非常慢,700 个项目需要 155 秒。同样在这个时候,它开始消耗大量的内存(600 个元素需要 3GiB),这让我得出这样的结论:对于 1000 个元素,它需要比大多数人更多的内存,并且需要几个小时来编译。
Have you also looked at its memory consumption? Note that quicksort itself is worse than linear, with a quite bad worse case runtime. This multiplies with the worse than linear runtime behaviour of certain steps of template compilation and instantiation (sometimes those are exponentional). You should maybe graph your compiletime for various datasets to observe the real complexity class for your code. Usually template metaprogramming with such large datasets is not feasible.
Out of curiosity I tried the code out and found that up until ~500 it follows roughly the formula pow(N*log(N),1.47)*0.0004+0.6 but then starts to get incredibly much slower, with 155 seconds for 700 items. Also at around that it starts eating very much ram (3GiB for 600) which leads me to the conclusion that for 1000 elements it will need more ram than most people have and will take hours to compile.
Further note that the code does not work when not every element is unique.
您正在使用递归元函数来构建快速排序。当您尝试向编译器推送 1000 个递归实例化时,您到底期望发生什么?
此外:编译时排序有什么意义?您可以离线执行此操作并将数据复制到 .cpp 文件中。或者只在程序启动时运行
一次。You are using recursive metafunctions to build your quicksort. What exactly did you expect to happen when you tried to shove 1000 recursive instantiations at the compiler?
Just because a function can theoretically take arbitrary numbers of arguments does not mean that the compiler actually can handle arbitrary numbers of arguments. Compilers have limits.
Besides: what's the point of compile-time sorting? You could do that off-line and copy the data into the .cpp file. Or just run
one time when the program starts.