我目前有一个解决方案,其中使用了多个 C# 项目中的某个类,一些是 Silverlight,一些是常规项目。出于兼容性原因,我无法为这些实用程序类创建单个项目。起初,我通过将类库项目设为 silverlight 来解决这个问题,以便所有其他项目都可以引用它。
然而,我遇到了另一个问题,导致无法使用 Silverlight 项目作为类库。因此,我采取了制作两个独立的类库项目的方式:一个是 Silverlight,一个是常规项目。在 C++ 中,可以将一个项目文件添加到两个项目,而磁盘上只有一个物理文件。我注意到在 C# 中,将文件添加到第二个项目时它会自动创建副本。我通过一个构建事件解决了这个问题,该事件在构建 Silverlight 项目时将文件从常规库复制到 Silverlight 库。
I've currently got a solution where a certain class is used from several C# projects, some Silverlight, some regular. For compatibility reasons I cannot create a single project for these utility classes. At first I solved the problem by making the class library project a silverlight one, so that it could be referenced by all other projects.
However, I ran into another problem that made it impossible to use a Silverlight project as the class library. So I resorted to making two separate class library projects: one Silverlight, one regular. In C++ it's possible to add a project file to two projects, while only having one physical file on disk. I noticed that in C#, it automatically makes a copy when adding the file to a second project. I solved this with a build event that copies the file from the regular library to the Silverlight one when the Silverlight project is built.
This all works, so technically the problem is solved. However, it's gotten too convoluted for my taste. Also, other programmers who are unaware of my solution might start to edit the dependent (Silverlight) file, and get unexpected results.
So my question is, do you know of any good reasons to solve these two issues properly? How would you solve it?
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如果您需要磁盘上的 1 个文件,则在将文件添加到项目时不要使用标准“添加”,而是单击对话框中文件旁边的箭头并选择“添加为链接”,但这并不妨碍对其进行编辑(你必须研究那里的其他选项,我不知道任何)
If you need 1 file on disk do not use the standard "Add" when adding the file to your project but click on the arrow next to it in the dialog and select "Add as link", however this does not prevent it from being edited (you'll have to look into other options there, I'm not aware of any)
I think you are talking about linking. Have a look here:
Hope this helps.
从那里你就准备好了。 :)have the file in one project then in the other projects where you want to have it as well do Add Existing Item, select the file and see the Add button in the dialog has a small arrow, select
Add as Link
from there and you are set. :)