JavaScript 重定向不起作用
function redirect() {
parent.main.document.location = "url.php";
The following codes displays the alert, but does not take me to the requested page.
function redirect() {
parent.main.document.location = "url.php";
I'm using frames, I want the page to load into the frame named 'main'. Thanks for any help.
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Use this instead:
And for frames you can use it like this:
Hope this helps.
请使用 window.location.href 或 location.href 而不是 document.location。
Please Use window.location.href or location.href instead of document.location.
有时在 JavaScript 中,您可能希望将用户重定向到另一个 URL。这通常是通过正确设置 window.location 来完成的,如下所示:
window.location = "';
然而,Mac 版 Safari 和 IE 5.2(至少在 OSX 上)的行为与 PC 上的浏览器略有不同。我将这个基本测试页面放在一起,以便查看哪些场景有效,哪些无效。
测试 2、4 和 5 有效,但 1 和 3 无效。您可能会明白原因。在 1 和 3 中,我们将 window.location 设置为新的 URL。这通常会将用户重定向到新页面。但在 onclick 事件之后,它会运行 href 中包含的 URL 并覆盖重定向。在这种情况下,# 可以防止页面完全重定向。通过将 return false;我们完全停止处理 href。
Sometimes in JavaScript, you may want to redirect a user to another URL. This is often done setting the window.location properly like so:
window.location = "';
However, Safari and IE 5.2 for Mac (at least on OSX) behave a little differently than browsers on the PC. I put together this basic test page in order to see which scenarios work and which don't.
refer this link for the code
Tests 2, 4 and 5 work but 1 and 3 don't. And you can probably see why. In 1 and 3, we set the window.location to a new URL. This would normally redirect the user to the new page. But after the onclick event, it runs the URL contained in the href and overrides the redirect. In this case, the # keeps the page from redirecting altogether. By putting return false; we stop the href from being processed altogether.