如何从任务管理器进程选项卡中隐藏 C# 应用程序?
this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
“我已从应用程序选项卡隐藏它”来从任务管理器的“进程”选项卡中隐藏我的 C# 应用程序。现在我需要从进程选项卡中隐藏它。
I need to hide my C# application from process tab of Taskmanager
this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
I have hide it from application tab. Now I need to hide it from process tab.
Is this possible?.
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您可以将 DLL 注入到 svchost 进程中,这样可以从任务管理器中伪装它,但不能从 ProcessExplorer 中伪装它。操作方法如下:
如何将托管 .NET 程序集 (DLL) 注入另一个进程
与 @Dark Slipstreams 链接类似,它指向非托管代码信息。
如果您的代码在 Win7 上运行有任何问题,请告诉我们?
如何在从任务管理器关闭我的进程时限制用户? - 你到底在做什么?
我不想猜测,但如果你真的想知道,你可以连接 WinLogon,@Jeff Atwood 在这里解释:如何清理 Windows 间谍软件感染 或者您可以有 2 个进程同时监视 彼此...
You could inject a DLL into the svchost process, that would camouflage it from Task Manager but not from ProcessExplorer. Here's how:
How To Inject a Managed .NET Assembly (DLL) Into Another Process
Here's some more background info on this technique: Three Ways to Inject Your Code into Another Process
Similar to @Dark Slipstreams link it points unmanaged code info.
Let us know if you have any problems with the code running on Win7?
how can i restrict a user while closing my process from taskmanager? - what exactly are you making here?
I dont care to guess but if you really want to know, you hook into the WinLogon, @Jeff Atwood explains it here: How to Clean Up a Windows Spyware Infestation or you could have 2 processes that both watch each other...
如果您试图阻止“标准”用户杀死您的进程,您可以将程序安装为 Windows 服务,在特殊凭据下运行它(在生产中使用永不过期的密码),设置自动启动并仅允许“管理员”杀死它。
If you are trying to prevent your 'standard' users from killing your process you may install your program as Windows Service, run it under special credentials (with non-expiring password in production), setup Automatic startup and allow only 'admins' to kill it.
根据您想要隐藏它的原因以及您要向谁隐藏它,您可以通过将应用程序命名为 AdobeUpdater.exe 之类的名称来将其隐藏在众目睽睽之下。
Depending on why you want to hide it and who you are hiding it from, you may get away with hiding it in plain sight by naming the application something like AdobeUpdater.exe