Have a look at theis article by Phil Sturgeon - in it he details a way to create a 'shared' folder, so that you can run multiple codeigniter installations from the same shared folder.
Since Codeigniter 2.0 you can share same system folder among many projects. In previous versions you can do this with a little tweak. So once you have a common system folder you can keep all you libraries and helpers here which can be used by all the projects. There is no provision to have common models so either you can transform them to helper or library class, which actually makes sense.
看看 Phil Sturgeon 的文章 - 他在其中详细介绍了创建“共享”文件夹的方法,以便您可以从同一共享文件夹运行多个 codeigniter 安装。
Have a look at theis article by Phil Sturgeon - in it he details a way to create a 'shared' folder, so that you can run multiple codeigniter installations from the same shared folder.
从 Codeigniter 2.0 开始,您可以在许多项目之间共享相同的系统文件夹。在以前的版本中,您可以通过一些调整来做到这一点。因此,一旦您拥有了一个公共系统文件夹,您就可以将所有库和帮助程序保存在这里,供所有项目使用。没有提供通用模型的规定,因此您可以将它们转换为帮助程序或库类,这实际上是有意义的。
Since Codeigniter 2.0 you can share same system folder among many projects. In previous versions you can do this with a little tweak. So once you have a common system folder you can keep all you libraries and helpers here which can be used by all the projects. There is no provision to have common models so either you can transform them to helper or library class, which actually makes sense.