Plone 文件夹限制
在 Plone 中,我创建了一个名为“Admin”的新文件夹,该文件夹出现在顶部导航栏上。如何限制对此文件夹的访问,以便只有站点管理员才能访问此文件夹? (并且最好只有那些管理员才能看到该链接的出现)?
In Plone, I created a new folder called "Admin" that appears at the top navigation bar. How do I restrict access to this folder so only site administrators will have access to this folder? (and, preferably, only those admins would see that link appear)?
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在根级别创建一个文件夹并将其保密,不要与任何其他组共享。管理员(默认情况下)可以查看所有内容。用户没有权限的项目在全局导航、导航 portlet、搜索等中不可见。
Create a folder at the root level and keep it private and don't share it with any other groups. Administrators (by default) can view all content. Items for which a user does not have permission are not visible in the Global Nav, Nav portlets, search, etc.
Use the sharing tab and add the users/groups needed.