什么是 PayPal 付款人 ID?
Instant Payment Notification script receives among other parameters the following one:
What is the meaning of that string?
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它是特定 PayPal 帐户的外部唯一标识符。由于电子邮件地址随着时间的推移而变化。 PayerID 是静态的。
It's an external unique identifier of a particular PayPal account. Since email addresses change over time. A PayerID is static.
可用于识别 Paypal 帐户。然而! -- 一个 Paypal 帐户可以有多个与之关联的payer_id
,一个对应于该帐户使用的每张信用卡或资金来源。因此,给定的 Paypal 帐户不会一对一映射到单个payer_id
。例如,如果 Bob 使用他的 Visa 卡从我的网站(通过 Paypal)购买商品,则该交易将包含一个
。2013 年 5 月,在我的订单处理遇到问题后,我在与 Paypal Merchant Technical Solutions 的电话中确认了这一点(由于我错误地假设
是查看付款信息的可靠方式)如果我的客户数据库中已存在客户)。注意:这一事实的一个后果是,在编写 Paypal IPN 处理脚本时,
应该正确地仅存储在“orders”数据库表中,而不是存储在“customers”表中。另请参阅此答案:每张信用卡的 paypal payer_id 是否唯一?编辑
显然,每个 PayPal 帐户 只获得一个
。 (这不是我从上述与 Paypal Merchant Technical Solutions 的电话中收集到的信息,但我找不到该电话的笔记,因此可能存在一些混乱。)无论如何,payer_id
不能唯一地标识一个客户——就像世界上某个地方的一个唯一的个人一样。客户可以使用多个 Paypal 帐户,或者可以使用与主要 Paypal 帐户不同的资金来源作为“访客”进行某些购买,并且商家将为每个帐户获得不同的payer_id
- 即使人员姓名、地址和所有其他身份信息完全匹配。由于这些原因,Paypal 将
变量称为“唯一客户 ID”是一种误导。不幸的是,该描述仍然存在于他们的文档中(滚动到“买家信息变量”部分的底部):https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNandPDTVariables/#id091EB01I0Y4
As others have said,
can be used to identify a Paypal account. HOWEVER! -- a single Paypal account can have severalpayer_id
s associated with it, one for each credit card or funding source used by that account. Because of this, a given Paypal account does NOT map one-to-one to a singlepayer_id
.For example, if Bob buys from my website (through Paypal) using his Visa card, the transaction will include one
. If Bob later buys using his Mastercard, the transaction will include a differentpayer_id
.I confirmed this in a phone call with Paypal Merchant Technical Solutions, in May of 2013, after running into problems with my order processing (due to an incorrect assumption I had made about
being a reliable way to see if a customer already existed within my customer database).NB: One ramification of this fact is that, when writing a Paypal IPN-processing script,
should properly be stored only in the "orders" database table, and not stored in the "customers" table.See also this answer: Is the paypal payer_id unique per credit card?
Apparently, each PayPal account does get just one
. (That is not what I gleaned from my aforementioned phone call with Paypal Merchant Technical Solutions, but I can't find my notes on that call, so perhaps there was some confusion there.) Regardless, thepayer_id
does NOT uniquely identify a customer – as in a single, unique individual somewhere out there in the world. A customer could use multiple Paypal accounts, or could make some purchases as a "guest" using a different funding source than their primary Paypal account, and merchants would get differentpayer_id
s for each one – even if the person's name, address, and all other identifying information were exact matches.For these reasons, it is misleading for Paypal to call the
variable a "Unique customer ID". Unfortunately, that description still persists in their documentation (scroll to the bottom of the "Buyer information variables" section):https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNandPDTVariables/#id091EB01I0Y4
这只是付款用户的 ID。您必须记录它,以便在发生冲突时能够将其交给 Paypal。
It's just the id of the user who paid. You have to log it, to be able to give it to Paypal in case of conflict.
Payer_id 只是付款人的 paypal id。
电子邮件 ID 是动态的并且始终会变化,但 payer_id 是静态的。
Payer_id is just paypal id of who pay the payment.
Email id is dynamic and always change, but payer_id is static.