在 Google 网站优化工具中,我可以同时在 2 个测试中使用一个页面吗?
一个 A/B 测试在 PageA 和 PageB 之间交替。
然后,第二个 A/B 测试在 PageC 和 PageB 之间交替进行。
换句话说,我希望 PageB 同时在 2 个测试中成为活动选项。 我的问题是:测试结果有意义吗?我担心如果有 100 名访客进行第一次测试,100 名访客进行第二次测试,那么测试结果报告将如下所示: 第一次 A/B 测试:PageA 20/50(转化/访问) PageB 60/100
Second A/B test: PageA 40/50 (conversions / visits)
PageB 60/100
(请注意,如果第一个测试 PageB 访问者的 50 名访问者中有 15 名进行了转化,而第二次测试的 PageB 访问者中有 45 名进行了转化,则 PageB 应该输掉这两项测试!但从这些数字来看,它看起来像是赢了。
或者 GWO 是否足够聪明,知道“此页面视图是 Test1 重定向的结果,因此仅计算该测试的结果。”
Best explained via example...I want:
One A/B test to alternate between PageA and PageB.
A second A/B test then alternates between PageC and PageB.
In other words, I want PageB to be and active option in 2 tests at the same time.
My question is: Will the test results make sense? I'm concerned that if 100 visitors go through the first test, and 100 visitors go throug h the second test, then the test results report will look like this:
First A/B test: PageA 20/50 (conversions / visits)
PageB 60/100
Second A/B test: PageA 40/50 (conversions / visits)
PageB 60/100
(see, if 15 of the 50 visitors from the first test PageB visitors converted, and 45 of the second test's PageB visitors converted, then PageB should lose both tests! But the numbers together make it look like it is winning.
Or is GWO smart enough to know that "This page view is a result of a Test1 redirect, so only count the results for that test."
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GWO 使用两个部分 - 控制脚本和跟踪脚本。控制脚本会出现在您希望发生某些事情的任何页面上,而跟踪脚本只会出现在目标/转化页面上。单个页面可以毫无问题地作为许多测试的目标/转换页面。
如果您希望在一页上控制两个测试,则必须提供有关您正在执行的操作的更多详细信息。您是否使用 javascript 在多变量测试中进行重定向,或者是否正在运行 A/B 测试?
It depends on what you mean by "switches".
GWO uses two sections - control script and tracking script. The control script goes on any page where you want something to happen, and the tracking script goes on the destination / conversion page only. A single page can be the destination / conversion page for many tests without problem.
If you're hoping to control two tests on one page you'll have to provide more detail on what you are doing. Are you using javascript to do a redirect in a multivariate test, or are you running A/B tests?