在 php 中读取然后覆盖文件内容的最佳方法是什么?
php 中打开文件、读取内容并随后使用基于原始内容的一些输出覆盖文件内容的最干净方法是什么?具体来说,我试图打开一个填充有项目列表(以换行符分隔)的文件,处理/添加项目到列表中,从列表中删除最旧的 N 个条目,最后将列表写回到文件中。
fopen(<path>, 'a+')
flock(<handle>, LOCK_EX)
fread(<handle>, filesize(<path>))
// process contents and remove old entries
fwrite(<handle>, <contents>)
flock(<handle>, LOCK_UN)
请注意,我需要使用集群()锁定文件,以便跨多个页面请求保护它。 fopen() 时的“w+”标志会起作用吗? php 手册指出它将把文件截断为零长度,所以看起来这可能会阻止我读取文件的当前内容。
What's the cleanest way in php to open a file, read the contents, and subsequently overwrite the file's contents with some output based on the original contents? Specifically, I'm trying to open a file populated with a list of items (separated by newlines), process/add items to the list, remove the oldest N entries from the list, and finally write the list back into the file.
fopen(<path>, 'a+')
flock(<handle>, LOCK_EX)
fread(<handle>, filesize(<path>))
// process contents and remove old entries
fwrite(<handle>, <contents>)
flock(<handle>, LOCK_UN)
Note that I need to lock the file with flock() in order to protect it across multiple page requests. Will the 'w+' flag when fopen()ing do the trick? The php manual states that it will truncate the file to zero length, so it seems that may prevent me from reading the file's current contents.
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如果文件不是太大(也就是说,您可以确信加载它不会超出 PHP 的内存限制),那么最简单的方法是将整个文件读入字符串(
)。这种方法有两个问题:如果其中任何一个是问题,则计划 B 是处理该文件并同时写入临时文件;成功完成后,关闭这两个文件,重命名(或删除)原始文件,然后将临时文件重命名为原始文件名。
If the file isn't overly large (that is, you can be confident loading it won't blow PHP's memory limit), then the easiest way to go is to just read the entire file into a string (
), process the string, and write the result back to the file (file_put_contents()
). This approach has two problems:If any of these is a concern, plan B is to process the file and at the same time write to a temporary file; after successful completion, close both files, rename (or delete) the original file and then rename the temporary file to the original filename.
One solution is to use a separate lock file to control access.
This solution assumes that only your script, or scripts you have access to, will want to write to the file. This is because the scripts will need to know to check a separate file for access.
This should prevent a concurrently-running script reading old information and updating that, causing you to lose information that another script has updated after you read the file. It will allow only one instance of the script to read the file and then overwrite it with updated information.
While this hopefully answers the original question, it doesn't give a good solution to making sure all concurrent scripts have the ability to record their information eventually.