如何在 Eclipse 中配置 SpringSource OBR?
如果我理解正确的话,SpringSource 有一个公共 OBR,其中包含许多第三方 jar 的 OSGi 包。我想在 Eclipse 中使用它,但无法让 Eclipse 连接到它。
Error reading update site http://ebr.springsource.com.
The XML stream is not a valid default "site.xml" file.
The root tag is not site.
No repository found at http://ebr.springsource.com/repository.
那么,我打算使用什么 URL?
[编辑] 得到我的第一个答案后做了一些研究。我发现 这个网站 声称拥有公共 OBR 存储库列表:
OSGi Bundle Repository:
Spring Enterprise Bundle Repository:
1)SpringSource EBR 是 OSGi Bundle 的存储库,而不是“OSGi Bundle Repository”。这对我来说毫无意义。有什么意义?
2) “OSGi Bundle Repository”只是一个定义 OSGi Bundle 存储库配置的 XML 文件。
所以,如果我给出 http://sigil.codecauldron.org/spring-external.obr 到 Eclipse,而不是 http://ebr.springsource.com,我希望 Eclipse 使用以下内容该文件访问 http://ebr.springsource.com,但它也不起作用。
1) http://sigil.codecauldron.org/spring -external.obr 已过时或错误
2) http://sigil.codecauldron.org/spring-external.obr 与 Eclipse 不兼容(显然,它与 Apache Felix 兼容)
3) “Eclipse 更新站点”不是一个OBR(也不是 Maven 存储库),尽管它也应该包含 OSGi 包。如果是这样的话,那么它也没有多大意义,因为 Eclipse 是基于 OSGi 的。
If I understand it properly, SpringSource has a public OBR which contains OSGi bundles for many third party jars. I would like to use it in Eclipse, but I can't get Eclipse to connect to it.
I have tried:
It hangs there for ages, and returns as error:
Error reading update site http://ebr.springsource.com.
The XML stream is not a valid default "site.xml" file.
The root tag is not site.
And I have tried:
Which returns quickly as error:
No repository found at http://ebr.springsource.com/repository.
So, what URL am I meant to use?
[EDIT] Made some research after getting my first answer. I found this site which claims to have a list of public OBR repositories:
OSGi Bundle Repository:
Spring Enterprise Bundle Repository:
But none of them work with Eclipse either. I'm just more confused now.
What I (think I) understand is:
1) SpringSource EBR is a Repository of OSGi Bundles, without being a "OSGi Bundle Repository". This makes no sense to me. What's the point?
2) An "OSGi Bundle Repository" is just a XML file that defines the configuration of a Repository of OSGi Bundles.
So, If I give http://sigil.codecauldron.org/spring-external.obr to Eclipse, instead of http://ebr.springsource.com, I would expect Eclipse to use the content of that file to access http://ebr.springsource.com, but it doesn't work either.
So which one of the possible reason is it:
1) http://sigil.codecauldron.org/spring-external.obr is outdated or wrong
2) http://sigil.codecauldron.org/spring-external.obr is not compatible with Eclipse (apparently, it works with Apache Felix)
3) An "Eclipse Update Site" is NOT an OBR (and neither is it a Maven Repository), although it should also contain OSGi bundles. If that is the case, then it wouldn't make much sense either, since Eclipse is OSGi-based.
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SpringSource EBR 不是 Eclipse 更新站点,因此不能以这种方式使用。至少目前它也不是 OBR。但 Eclipse PDE 无论如何都不使用 OBR(尽管 Bndtools 使用)。
我认为您可以将它用作 Maven 存储库。
SpringSource EBR is not an Eclipse Update Site, so it cannot be used this way. It is also not an OBR, at least currently. But Eclipse PDE doesn't use OBR anyway (though Bndtools does).
You can use it as a Maven repository, I think.