JAVA+ jenkins + sonar 执行报错
Executing Maven: -B -f E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIpom.xml -s C:Usersyangzz.m2settings.xml clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true[INFO] Scanning for projects...[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building CiPlatForm 0.0.1 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ CiPlatForm ---[INFO] Deleting E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItarget [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ CiPlatForm ---[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] Copying 22 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ CiPlatForm ---[INFO] Compiling 138 source files to E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetclasses[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ CiPlatForm --- [INFO] Not copying test resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ CiPlatForm --- [INFO] Not compiling test sources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.8:test (default-test) @ CiPlatForm --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.2:war (default-war) @ CiPlatForm ---[INFO] Packaging webapp [INFO] Assembling webapp [CiPlatForm] in [E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetCiPlatForm] [INFO] Processing war project [INFO] Copying webapp resources [E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIsrcmainwebapp][INFO] Webapp assembled in [5445 msecs][INFO] Building war: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetCiPlatForm.war[INFO] WEB-INFweb.xml already added, skipping[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ CiPlatForm ---[INFO] Installing E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetCiPlatForm.war to C:Usersyangzz.m2repositoryCiPlatFormCiPlatForm.0.1CiPlatForm-0.0.1.war [INFO] Installing E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIpom.xml to C:Usersyangzz.m2repositoryCiPlatFormCiPlatForm.0.1CiPlatForm-0.0.1.pom[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:07 min [INFO] Finished at: 2016-10-21T17:30:30+08:00[INFO] Final Memory: 32M/136M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [JENKINS] Archiving E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIpom.xml to CiPlatForm/CiPlatForm/0.0.1/CiPlatForm-0.0.1.pom [JENKINS] Archiving E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetCiPlatForm.war to CiPlatForm/CiPlatForm/0.0.1/CiPlatForm-0.0.1.warchannel stopped [3_CI] $ E:Jenkinstoolshudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallationSonarQube_Scanner_2.4binsonar-runner.bat -e -Dsonar.language=java -Dsonar.projectName=CiPlatForm -Dsonar.projectVersion=0.0.1 -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 -Dsonar.binaries=%WORKSPACE%/target/classes -Dsonar.projectKey=CiPlatForm -Dsonar.sources=%WORKSPACE%/src/main/java -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIE:Jenkinstoolshudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallationSonarQube_Scanner_2.4SonarQube Runner 2.4 Java 1.7.0_17 Oracle Corporation (64-bit) Windows 7 6.1 amd64 INFO: Error stacktraces are turned on. INFO: Runner configuration file: INFO: Project configuration file: NONE INFO: Default locale: "zh_CN", source code encoding: "UTF-8" INFO: Work directory: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CI.sonar INFO: SonarQube Server 5.417:30:54.298 INFO - Load global repositories17:30:55.347 INFO - Load global repositories (done) | time=1051ms 17:30:55.594 INFO - User cache: C:.sonarcache17:30:56.740 INFO - Load plugins index17:30:56.772 INFO - Load plugins index (done) | time=32ms 17:30:57.230 INFO - Download sonar-l10n-zh-plugin-1.9.jar 17:30:57.305 INFO - Plugin [l10nzh] defines 'l10nen' as base plugin. This metadata can be removed from manifest of l10n plugins since version 5.2.17:31:05.697 INFO - Process project properties17:31:06.146 INFO - Load project repositories 17:31:06.271 INFO - Load project repositories (done) | time=126ms 17:31:06.302 INFO - Apply project exclusions 17:31:06.653 INFO - Load quality profiles17:31:07.216 INFO - Load quality profiles (done) | time=563ms 17:31:07.283 INFO - Load active rules17:31:09.243 INFO - Load active rules (done) | time=1960ms 17:31:09.308 INFO - Publish mode 17:31:09.318 INFO - ------------- Scan CiPlatForm17:31:09.943 INFO - Language is forced to java 17:31:09.948 INFO - Load server rules 17:31:10.276 INFO - Load server rules (done) | time=328ms 17:31:10.582 INFO - Base dir: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CI 17:31:10.583 INFO - Working dir: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CI.sonar 17:31:10.606 INFO - Source paths: src/main/java 17:31:10.606 INFO - Binary dirs: target/classes 17:31:10.607 INFO - Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: zh_CN 17:31:10.607 INFO - Index files17:31:10.938 INFO - 138 files indexed 17:31:10.983 INFO - Quality profile for java: Sonar way17:31:12.225 INFO - JaCoCoSensor: JaCoCo report not found : E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetjacoco.exec 17:31:12.225 INFO - JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetjacoco-it.exec 17:31:12.386 INFO - Sensor JavaSquidSensor17:31:13.951 INFO - Configured Java source version ( none17:31:13.990 INFO - JavaClasspath initialization... 17:31:14.027 WARN - Bytecode of dependencies was not provided for analysis of source files, you might end up with less precise results. Bytecode can be provided using property 17:31:14.028 WARN - sonar.binaries and sonar.libraries are deprecated since version 2.5 of sonar-java-plugin, please use and instead 17:31:14.028 INFO - JavaClasspath initialization done: 38 ms 17:31:14.028 INFO - JavaTestClasspath initialization... 17:31:14.028 WARN - Bytecode of dependencies was not provided for analysis of test files, you might end up with less precise results. Bytecode can be provided using property 17:31:14.028 INFO - JavaTestClasspath initialization done: 0 ms17:31:14.981 INFO - Java Main Files AST scan... 17:31:14.983 INFO - 138 source files to be analyzed17:31:19.448 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:31:19.451 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:19.452 ERROR - Class not found: ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:31:22.182 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:22.182 ERROR - Class not found: INFO - 44/138 files analyzed, current file: 17:31:25.130 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:25.130 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:25.131 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:25.131 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient 17:31:25.132 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:31:25.133 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:25.133 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:25.133 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.133 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.133 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:25.133 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.134 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.134 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:25.480 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.480 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.480 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:25.480 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.480 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.481 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:25.546 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.546 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.546 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:25.546 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.546 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.546 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:25.664 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.664 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.664 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.664 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.664 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:25.664 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:25.700 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.700 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.700 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.700 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.701 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:25.701 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:25.733 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.734 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.734 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:25.734 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.734 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.734 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:25.887 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:25.887 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:25.888 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:25.888 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:25.888 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:25.888 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:26.066 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:26.066 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:26.067 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:26.067 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:26.067 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:26.067 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:26.160 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:26.160 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:26.160 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:26.160 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:26.161 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:26.161 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:26.199 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:26.200 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:26.200 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:26.200 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:26.200 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:26.200 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:26.282 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:26.282 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:26.282 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:26.282 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:26.282 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:26.282 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:26.306 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:26.307 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:26.307 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:26.318 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:26.318 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:26.318 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:26.318 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:26.318 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:26.318 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:26.546 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:26.546 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:26.546 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:26.564 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:26.564 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:26.564 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:26.564 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:26.564 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:26.564 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:26.600 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:31:26.600 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:26.600 ERROR - Class not found: ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:28.036 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:28.036 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:28.055 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:28.056 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:28.056 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:28.056 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:28.056 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:28.056 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:28.058 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:28.060 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:28.060 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Transient17:31:28.744 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:28.744 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:28.744 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:28.760 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:28.760 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:28.760 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:28.760 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:28.760 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:28.760 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:29.134 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:29.134 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:29.134 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:29.169 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:29.169 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:29.169 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:29.169 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:29.169 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:29.169 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:29.262 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:29.262 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:29.262 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:29.294 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:29.294 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:29.294 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:29.294 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:29.295 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:29.295 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:29.358 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:29.358 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:29.358 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:29.360 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:29.363 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:29.363 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:29.363 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:29.363 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:29.363 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:29.363 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:29.679 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:29.679 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:29.679 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:29.703 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:29.703 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:29.703 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:29.703 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:29.703 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:29.704 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:29.704 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:29.710 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:29.711 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:29.711 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient17:31:30.310 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:30.310 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:30.310 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:30.319 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:30.319 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:30.319 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:30.319 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:30.319 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:30.319 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:30.322 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:30.322 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:30.322 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Transient 17:31:30.484 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:30.484 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:30.484 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:30.496 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:30.496 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:30.496 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:30.496 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:30.496 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:30.496 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:31.623 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:31.623 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:31.623 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:31.634 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:31.634 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:31.634 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:31.634 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:31.634 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:31.634 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:31.858 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:31.858 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:31.858 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:31.867 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:31.867 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:31.867 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:31.867 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:31.867 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:31.867 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:32.757 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:32.758 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:32.758 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:32.782 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:32.782 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:32.782 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:32.782 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient 17:31:32.783 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:32.783 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:32.783 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:32.783 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:32.783 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:32.783 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:34.508 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:34.509 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:34.509 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:34.561 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:34.562 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:34.562 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:34.562 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:34.562 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:34.562 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:34.580 ERROR - Class not found: org.apache.log4j.Logger 17:31:34.580 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:34.580 ERROR - Class not found: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNClientManager 17:31:34.581 ERROR - Class not found: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException 17:31:34.581 ERROR - Class not found: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo 17:31:34.581 ERROR - Class not found: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNStatus 17:31:34.581 ERROR - Class not found: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision 17:31:34.581 ERROR - Class not found: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth 17:31:35.124 INFO - 83/138 files analyzed, current file: 17:31:35.296 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:35.296 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:35.296 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao17:31:35.312 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:35.313 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:35.313 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:35.313 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:35.313 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:35.313 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:35.396 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:35.397 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:35.397 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:35.398 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.BuildWithDetails17:31:37.397 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:37.398 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:37.398 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:37.455 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:37.456 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:37.456 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:37.456 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:37.456 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:37.456 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:37.598 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:37.598 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:37.599 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:37.646 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:37.646 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:37.646 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:37.646 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:37.646 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:37.646 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:38.244 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:38.245 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:38.245 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:38.288 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:38.288 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:38.288 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:38.299 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:38.299 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:38.300 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:38.300 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:38.300 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:38.300 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:38.300 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator17:31:39.860 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:31:39.860 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:31:39.861 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:31:39.871 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:39.871 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:39.871 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:39.871 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:39.871 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:39.871 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:41.327 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger17:31:45.348 INFO - 94/138 files analyzed, current file: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIsrcmainjavacomcncciplatformutilJenkinsUtil.java17:31:49.824 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:49.825 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:49.826 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:49.826 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:49.827 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:49.827 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:49.835 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:31:49.836 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:49.836 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:49.843 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer17:31:50.988 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:50.990 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:50.990 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:50.990 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:50.990 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:50.990 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:50.990 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:51.148 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:51.150 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:51.152 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:51.152 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:51.152 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:51.152 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:51.152 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:51.152 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:51.157 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:51.157 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:51.157 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient17:31:51.996 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:51.998 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:51.998 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:51.998 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:51.998 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:51.999 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:51.999 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:52.850 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:52.852 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:52.852 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:52.852 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:52.853 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:52.853 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:52.853 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:53.174 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest17:31:53.595 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:53.597 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:53.597 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:53.597 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:53.597 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient17:31:54.878 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:54.888 ERROR - Class not found: groovy.lang.GroovyObject 17:31:55.349 INFO - 109/138 files analyzed, current file: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIsrcmainjavacomcncciplatformwebGroovyExtensionController.java17:31:57.010 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:57.012 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:57.012 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:57.013 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:57.013 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:57.013 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:57.013 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:31:57.649 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:57.649 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:57.649 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:57.649 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:57.649 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:57.650 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:57.654 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:57.655 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:58.368 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:58.373 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:58.374 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:58.374 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:58.374 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:58.374 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:58.374 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:58.375 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest17:31:58.656 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:58.656 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:58.656 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:58.656 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:58.656 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:58.657 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:58.660 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:58.661 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:58.662 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:58.663 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:58.663 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient 17:31:58.663 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:31:58.664 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:58.664 ERROR - Class not found: 17:31:58.850 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:58.988 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:58.988 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:58.988 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:58.989 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:58.989 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:58.989 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:58.992 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:59.162 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:59.349 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:59.353 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer 17:31:59.353 ERROR - Class not found: org.dom4j.Document 17:31:59.353 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.JobWithDetails 17:31:59.353 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.client.JenkinsHttpClient 17:31:59.357 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:59.357 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:59.358 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator 17:31:59.358 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:59.358 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:59.358 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:31:59.530 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:31:59.532 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:31:59.532 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:31:59.532 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:31:59.532 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:31:59.533 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:31:59.533 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.stereotype.Service 17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: com.offbytwo.jenkins.model.BuildWithDetails 17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional 17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:32:00.168 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao17:32:00.710 ERROR - Class not found: org.slf4j.Logger 17:32:00.711 ERROR - Class not found: 17:32:00.711 ERROR - Class not found: 17:32:00.712 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:32:00.844 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:32:00.844 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:32:00.844 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:32:00.844 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:32:00.844 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:32:00.844 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:32:00.845 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:32:01.345 ERROR - Class not found: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 17:32:01.474 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:32:01.474 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:32:01.474 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:32:01.474 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:32:01.475 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GenerationType 17:32:01.475 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column17:32:03.812 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Constraint 17:32:03.821 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Payload17:32:05.349 INFO - 129/138 files analyzed, current file: E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CIsrcmainjavacomcncdemoserviceCustomerService.java17:32:06.558 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:32:06.558 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:32:06.559 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:32:06.563 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:32:06.563 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:32:06.563 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty 17:32:06.564 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Constraint 17:32:06.569 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Payload 17:32:06.570 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:32:06.570 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:32:06.570 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:32:06.570 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Transient 17:32:06.572 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.param.ParamConstants17:32:06.725 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:32:06.725 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:32:06.725 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:32:06.728 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.param.ParamConstants 17:32:07.598 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:32:07.598 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:32:07.598 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:32:07.603 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:32:07.603 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:32:07.603 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:32:07.604 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:32:07.604 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue17:32:09.515 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Constraint 17:32:09.516 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Payload 17:32:09.672 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.stereotype.Service 17:32:09.672 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.param.ParamService 17:32:09.672 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 17:32:09.675 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional 17:32:09.675 ERROR - Class not found: org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation 17:32:09.676 ERROR - Class not found: 17:32:09.676 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateDao 17:32:09.676 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.dao.ibatis.IBatisDao 17:32:09.677 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:32:09.677 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:32:09.677 ERROR - Class not found: org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty 17:32:09.677 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Constraint 17:32:09.679 ERROR - Class not found: javax.validation.Payload 17:32:09.679 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:32:09.679 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:32:09.679 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:32:09.679 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Transient 17:32:09.680 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.param.ParamConstants17:32:10.146 ERROR - Class not found: com.cnc.portal.web.tree.TreeNode 17:32:10.190 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Entity 17:32:10.190 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Table 17:32:10.190 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Id 17:32:10.190 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.Column 17:32:10.190 ERROR - Class not found: javax.persistence.GeneratedValue 17:32:10.216 INFO - Java Main Files AST scan done: 55235 ms 17:32:10.219 INFO - 138/138 source files have been analyzed 17:32:10.224 INFO - Java bytecode scan... 17:32:10.273 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.273 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.273 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.357 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/lang/ArrayUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.406 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/OfflineCause' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.406 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/OfflineCause' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.474 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.475 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.476 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.476 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.476 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.477 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.477 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.477 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.477 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Build' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.477 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.477 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.481 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.481 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.481 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.481 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.482 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.482 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.482 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.482 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.482 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.482 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.483 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.483 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.490 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.490 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.490 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.490 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.491 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.582 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.583 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.583 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.583 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.583 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.583 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.583 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.584 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.584 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.585 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.585 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.585 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.587 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.587 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.587 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.587 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.587 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.587 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.589 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.589 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.699 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.700 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.700 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.700 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.700 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.700 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.700 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.701 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.701 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.701 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.701 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.702 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.702 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.702 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.703 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.703 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.704 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.704 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.705 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader.17:32:10.811 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.814 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.814 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.815 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.816 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.816 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.816 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.816 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/beanutils/BeanUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.816 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.818 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/beanutils/BeanUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.819 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.819 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.819 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.819 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.819 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Job' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.820 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.820 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.820 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.820 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.820 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.821 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.821 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.821 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.821 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.821 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.822 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.822 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.822 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.822 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.823 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.823 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.855 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.856 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.856 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Job' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.856 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.856 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.856 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.856 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Job' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.857 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.858 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.858 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.858 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.858 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.859 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.859 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.859 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.859 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.859 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.860 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.860 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.865 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.866 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.866 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.866 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.866 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.867 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.867 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:10.867 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.057 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.058 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.058 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.058 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.169 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.169 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.169 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/CryptoUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/CryptoUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.170 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.171 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/CryptoUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.171 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.171 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.171 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/CryptoUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.171 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.171 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.174 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.174 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.175 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.175 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.175 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.175 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.176 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.177 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.178 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Build' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Build' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Build' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.180 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.181 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.181 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.181 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.181 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.181 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.181 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.182 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.183 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.183 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.183 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.183 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.183 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.183 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Job' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.184 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.185 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.185 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.185 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/PluginManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.185 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.185 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.185 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/PluginManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Plugin' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Plugin' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Plugin' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.186 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.187 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.187 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.187 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.187 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.188 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.188 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.188 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.189 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.189 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.189 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.190 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.190 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.190 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.190 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.190 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.263 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.268 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.269 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.269 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.270 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.270 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.270 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.383 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.383 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.383 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.383 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.384 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.385 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.385 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.385 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.385 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.386 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.386 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.386 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.386 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.386 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.387 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.387 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.387 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.388 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.388 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.388 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.388 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.388 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.388 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.389 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.389 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.389 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.389 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.389 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.389 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.390 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.390 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.390 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.390 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.391 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.391 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.392 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.392 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.392 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.392 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.392 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.392 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.393 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.393 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.393 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.393 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.394 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.394 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.396 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.397 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.397 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.397 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.397 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.398 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.399 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.403 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.483 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.483 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.483 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.483 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.483 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.484 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.484 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.484 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.484 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.485 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.485 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.485 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.485 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.485 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Job' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.487 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.487 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.487 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.487 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Build' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/CryptoUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.488 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.489 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.489 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.583 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.583 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.583 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.583 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.583 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.583 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.584 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.584 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'org/hibernate/Session' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'org/hibernate/Query' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'org/hibernate/Query' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'org/hibernate/Query' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.585 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.586 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.587 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.588 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.589 WARN - Class 'com/alibaba/fastjson/JSON' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.589 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.590 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/HttpApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.590 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/HttpApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.590 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/ResultCheckUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.590 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.590 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.591 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.591 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/DnaApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.591 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/DnaApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.591 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/utils/ResultCheckUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.591 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/test/apitest/ApiTest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.595 WARN - Class 'com/alibaba/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.595 WARN - Class 'com/alibaba/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.596 WARN - Class 'com/alibaba/fastjson/JSONArray' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.596 WARN - Class 'com/alibaba/fastjson/JSONArray' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.693 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.694 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/ibatis/IBatisDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.694 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.694 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.694 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.695 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.695 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.696 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.696 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.696 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.696 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.696 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.697 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.697 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.697 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.697 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.698 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.802 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.803 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/gzip/GzipCompressorInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/gzip/GzipCompressorInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/gzip/GzipCompressorInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/gzip/GzipCompressorInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/gzip/GzipCompressorInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.804 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/tar/TarArchiveInputStream' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.806 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.807 WARN - Class 'org/apache/tools/zip/ZipFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.807 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.807 WARN - Class 'groovy/lang/GroovyClassLoader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.808 WARN - Class 'groovy/lang/GroovyClassLoader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.809 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/SAXReader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.809 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/SAXReader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.809 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Document' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.812 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.813 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.814 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.814 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.814 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.814 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.815 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.816 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.817 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.818 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.818 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.818 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/DocumentHelper' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.820 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Document' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.820 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.820 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.820 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.820 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.820 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.821 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.821 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.821 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.821 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.821 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.821 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.822 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.823 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.823 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.823 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.823 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.823 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.823 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.824 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.824 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.824 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.824 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.824 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.824 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.825 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.825 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.825 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.825 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.825 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.825 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.826 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.827 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.827 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.827 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.827 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.827 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.827 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.828 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.828 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.828 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.828 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.828 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.828 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.829 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.830 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.830 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.830 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.830 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.830 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.830 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.831 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.832 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.832 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.832 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.832 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.833 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.833 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.833 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.833 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.833 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.833 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.834 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.834 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.834 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.834 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.834 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.835 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/JobWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.835 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.835 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/HttpHost' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.835 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/client/BasicCredentialsProvider' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.835 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/auth/AuthScope' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.836 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/auth/UsernamePasswordCredentials' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.836 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/CredentialsProvider' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.836 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/client/BasicAuthCache' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.836 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/auth/BasicScheme' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.836 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/AuthCache' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.836 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/client/HttpClients' is not accessible through the ClassLoader.17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/client/HttpClientBuilder' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/client/HttpClientBuilder' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/methods/HttpPost' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/message/BasicNameValuePair' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/entity/UrlEncodedFormEntity' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/methods/HttpPost' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.837 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/protocol/HttpClientContext' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/protocol/HttpClientContext' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/impl/client/CloseableHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/HttpResponse' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/StatusLine' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/HttpResponse' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/StatusLine' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.838 WARN - Class 'org/apache/http/client/methods/HttpPost' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.839 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.839 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.839 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.839 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.840 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.840 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.840 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.840 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/DocumentHelper' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.841 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Document' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.841 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.841 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.841 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.841 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.841 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.842 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.842 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.842 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.842 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.843 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.843 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.843 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.843 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.843 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.843 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.844 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.845 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.845 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.845 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.845 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.845 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.846 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.846 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.846 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.846 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.846 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.847 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.848 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.849 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.849 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.849 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.849 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.849 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.849 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/SAXReader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/SAXReader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.850 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Document' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.851 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.851 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.851 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/View' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.852 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/Job' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.852 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.852 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/util/EncodingUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.853 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.853 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.853 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.853 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.853 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.853 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.854 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.854 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.854 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.854 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.854 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.855 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.855 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.855 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.855 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/model/PortalMenu' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.855 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/core/io/DefaultResourceLoader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.855 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/core/io/DefaultResourceLoader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/core/io/Resource' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/core/io/DefaultResourceLoader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/core/io/DefaultResourceLoader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/core/io/Resource' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.856 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.857 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.857 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.857 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNURL' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/io/SVNRepositoryFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNWCUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/io/SVNRepository' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.858 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNWCUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNWCUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/io/SVNRepository' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.859 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/internal/io/dav/DAVRepositoryFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/internal/io/svn/SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/internal/io/fs/FSRepositoryFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNProperties' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/io/SVNRepository' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.860 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/io/SVNRepository' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDirEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDirEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDirEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDirEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDirEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.861 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDirEntry' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.893 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.893 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNURL' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.893 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNCommitClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.893 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.893 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.894 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNURL' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.894 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.894 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDepth' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.894 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNCommitClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.894 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.894 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDepth' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNWCClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.895 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNStatusClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNDepth' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNCommitClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.896 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNURL' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNCommitClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNUpdateClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.897 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNUpdateClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNClientManager' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNUpdateClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNURL' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNUpdateClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.898 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/wc/SVNWCUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNProperties' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.899 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/io/SVNRepository' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.900 WARN - Class 'org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:11.900 WARN - Class 'org/apache/log4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.020 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/IdUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.021 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.021 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/util/StringUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.022 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.023 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.023 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.023 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/config/PropsUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.023 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/config/PropsUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.024 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.024 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.024 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/SAXReader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/SAXReader' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Document' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.141 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/DocumentHelper' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/Element' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/OutputFormat' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/OutputFormat' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/XMLWriter' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/XMLWriter' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.142 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/io/XMLWriter' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.143 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.143 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/JenkinsServer' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.143 WARN - Class 'org/dom4j/DocumentHelper' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.253 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/multipart/MultipartFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/multipart/MultipartFile' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.254 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.255 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.256 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.257 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.258 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.259 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.260 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.261 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.262 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.263 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.264 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.265 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONArray' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.266 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONArray' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONObject' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/thirdparty/fastjson/JSONArray' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.267 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.361 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.362 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.362 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.362 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.363 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.363 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.363 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.364 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.364 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.364 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.364 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.364 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.364 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.365 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.365 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.365 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.365 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.365 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.366 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.366 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.366 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.366 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.366 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.367 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.368 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.368 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.368 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.368 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.369 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.369 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.369 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.369 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.370 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.370 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.370 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.370 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.370 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.371 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.371 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.372 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.372 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.372 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.373 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.472 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.472 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.472 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.472 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.473 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.473 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.473 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.473 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.473 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.473 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.474 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.474 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.474 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.475 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.475 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.475 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.475 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.475 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.476 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.476 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.476 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.476 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.476 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.612 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.613 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.613 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.613 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.613 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.614 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.614 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.614 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.614 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.614 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.615 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.615 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.615 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.615 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.615 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.616 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.616 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.616 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.616 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.616 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.617 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.617 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.617 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.617 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.618 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.618 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.618 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.618 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.619 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.619 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.619 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.619 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.619 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.620 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.620 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.620 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.620 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.620 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.620 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.621 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.621 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.677 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.678 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.679 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.680 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.681 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.792 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.793 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.793 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.793 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.794 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.794 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.794 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.795 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.795 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.795 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.800 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.801 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.802 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.802 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.802 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.802 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.802 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.802 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.803 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.803 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.803 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.803 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.803 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.803 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.804 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.805 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.805 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.805 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.806 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.807 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.807 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.807 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.807 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.807 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.807 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.808 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.809 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.809 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/client/JenkinsHttpClient' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.809 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader.17:32:12.970 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.971 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/sdk/common/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/sdk/common/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/sdk/common/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/sdk/common/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.972 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.973 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:12.973 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/sdk/common/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.101 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.101 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.101 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.101 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.101 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.101 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.102 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.102 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.102 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.102 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/BuildWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/BuildResult' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/BuildWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.103 WARN - Class 'com/offbytwo/jenkins/model/BuildWithDetails' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.206 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.206 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.206 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.206 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.207 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.207 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.207 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.207 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.208 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.208 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.208 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.208 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.208 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.208 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.209 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.209 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.209 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.210 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.210 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.211 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.211 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.211 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.211 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.211 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.212 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.212 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.212 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.212 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.212 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.213 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.213 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/JsonUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.213 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.213 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.213 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.214 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.214 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.214 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.214 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.215 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.215 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.215 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.215 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.215 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.215 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.216 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.216 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.216 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.216 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.216 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.216 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.217 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.217 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.217 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.218 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/dna/apache/zookeeper/server/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.219 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.220 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.221 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/context/ContextLoaderListener' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/ServletContextListener' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.222 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/context/ContextLoaderListener' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.223 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/LoggerFactory' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.314 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/ServletContextEvent' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.314 WARN - Class 'javax/servlet/ServletContext' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.314 WARN - Class 'org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.314 WARN - Class 'org/slf4j/Logger' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.314 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamConstants' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.314 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamConstants' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.435 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.435 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.435 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.436 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/exception/GenericException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.436 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.436 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.436 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.436 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.436 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.437 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.437 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.437 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.437 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.526 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.527 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.527 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/radutil/RadStringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.527 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.527 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.528 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/tree/TreeNode' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.528 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.529 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.530 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/param/ParamServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.531 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/tree/TreeNode' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.656 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/gt/service/IGtGridService' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.656 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/MapUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.657 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.657 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/MapUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.657 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.658 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/MapUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.658 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/dao/hibernate/HibernateDao' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.659 WARN - Class 'javax/validation/ConstraintValidator' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.660 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/StringUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.677 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/IdUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.677 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.678 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.678 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.678 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.679 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.679 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.679 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.680 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.684 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.686 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.686 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.686 WARN - Class 'org/springframework/web/servlet/ModelAndView' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.686 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.687 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.687 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.687 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/IdUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.687 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.687 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.687 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.688 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.688 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.688 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.688 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/IdUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.688 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.689 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/exception/GenericException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.689 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.689 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.689 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.689 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.689 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/IdUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.690 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.690 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.690 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.690 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.690 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/service/PermissionServiceUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.690 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/util/IdUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.691 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.691 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/springmvc/util/SpringMvcControllerUtil' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.691 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/web/AjaxResultInfo' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.691 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.692 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/security/PortalPrincipal' is not accessible through the ClassLoader. 17:32:13.692 WARN - Class 'com/cnc/portal/exception/GenericException' is not accessible through the ClassLoader.17:32:14.091 INFO - Java bytecode scan done: 3867 ms 17:32:14.092 INFO - Java Test Files AST scan... 17:32:14.092 INFO - 0 source files to be analyzed 17:32:14.092 INFO - Java Test Files AST scan done: 0 ms 17:32:14.092 INFO - 0/0 source files have been analyzed 17:32:14.172 INFO - Package design analysis...17:32:15.284 INFO - Package design analysis done: 1112 ms 17:32:15.289 INFO - Sensor JavaSquidSensor (done) | time=62903ms 17:32:15.289 INFO - Sensor Lines Sensor 17:32:15.334 INFO - Sensor Lines Sensor (done) | time=45ms 17:32:15.334 INFO - Sensor QProfileSensor 17:32:15.496 INFO - Sensor QProfileSensor (done) | time=162ms 17:32:15.497 INFO - Sensor SurefireSensor 17:32:15.498 INFO - parsing E:Jenkinsworkspace3_CItargetsurefire-reports 17:32:15.499 INFO - Sensor SurefireSensor (done) | time=2ms 17:32:15.499 INFO - Sensor SCM Sensor 17:32:15.500 INFO - SCM provider for this project is: svn 17:32:15.644 INFO - 138 files to be analyzed17:32:20.853 INFO - 0/138 files analyzed 17:32:20.853 WARN - Missing blame information for the following files: 17:32:20.854 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.854 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.854 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/scheduler/ 17:32:20.855 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.855 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.855 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.855 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.855 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/service/ 17:32:20.856 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.856 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/autoResult/ 17:32:20.856 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/validation/ 17:32:20.856 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.857 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.857 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.857 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.857 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.858 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.858 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.858 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.858 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.858 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.859 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/xml/ 17:32:20.859 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.859 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.859 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.859 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/service/ 17:32:20.860 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.860 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.861 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.861 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.861 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.862 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/scheduler/ 17:32:20.862 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.862 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.862 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.863 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.863 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.863 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.863 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/validation/ 17:32:20.863 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/ 17:32:20.864 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.864 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.864 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.864 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.864 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/dao/impl/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/web/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/entity/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.865 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/entity/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/service/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/autoResult/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.866 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.867 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/demo/web/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/context/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/autoResult/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/autoResult/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.868 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/service/impl/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/util/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/jenkins/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/entity/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - * E:/Jenkins/workspace/3_CI/src/main/java/com/cnc/ciplatform/web/ 17:32:20.869 WARN - 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Build step 'Execute SonarQube Scanner' marked build as failureFinished: FAILURE
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