如何使用webdav java服务器库检索/保存office文档?
我们需要实现客户端/服务器来像 Confluence 一样从服务器打开/编辑 Office 文档。我们有服务器端实现(网络服务)来下载/上传文档。我们还有处理用户身份验证的身份验证服务。我们需要与这些现有服务一起实施/配置 WebDAV。因此:
- 当 Office 应用程序从 WebDav servlet 请求文档时,webdav 连接到我们现有的服务来获取文档,并使用我们现有的身份验证服务来对用户进行身份验证。我们需要编写什么代码来处理这个问题?
- 保存如上,将文档保存回来。
谢谢&问候, 纳迪姆·乌拉
We need to implement client / server to open / edit Office documents from server as confluence does. We have our server side implementations (web services) to download / upload documents. Also we have our authentication services that handle user authentication. We need to implement / configure WebDAV along with these existing services. So:
- When Office application requests a document from WebDav servlet, webdav connects to our existing service to get the document and would use our existing authentication service to authenticate the user. What code do we need to write to handle this?
- Save as above to save a document back.
Can anyone please help me on how to get a quick start on this? Any tutorial links?
Thanks & regards,
Nadeem Ullah
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我最近使用 milton 框架 实现了一个原型,用于浏览存储库并从我们的 DMS 打开 Office 文档,取得了良好的进展。它使用弹簧和部署描述符中的过滤器进行连接 - 到目前为止,米尔顿给我留下了深刻的印象。它易于使用并且集成得很好。
I recently implemented a prototype using the milton framework to browse the repository and open office documents from our DMS and made good progress. It´s wired up using spring and a filter in our deployment descriptor - so far I´m fairly impressed by milton. It´s easy to use and integrates quite well.
据我所知,Webdav 协议就是您正在寻找的。
请还可以看看 Apache JackRabit,它是一个 WebDav 服务器。并从 github 搜索 WebDav 以获取其他实现。
From what I know, Webdav protocol is what you are looking for.
Please also look at Apache JackRabit which is a WebDav server. And search WebDav from github for other implementaions.