添加frameBorder=0 属性时允许调整 HTML 框架的大小吗?
在评论开始尖叫“框架是邪恶的”之前,让我添加一个免责声明:“我只是移植一个遗留应用程序,没有时间摆脱框架!” :-)
有一个包含两个框架的框架集。我不喜欢浏览器渲染的默认框架边框(尤其是在 Chrome 和 Firefox 上)。太厚了,感觉很碍眼!所以我想我会使用框架上的 frameborder=0
属性隐藏默认框架边框,并在框架内的内容上添加所需的样式。问题是:添加 frameborder=0
后,框架在 Chrome 和 Chrome 上无法再调整大小。 Safari,而 IE 和Firefox 仍然可以调整它们的大小。这是我的代码:
<frameset rows="80%,20%" >
<frame id="frame1" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" />
<frame id="frame2" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" />
Before the comments start screaming "frames are evil", let me add a disclaimer: "I am just porting a legacy application and don't have the time to get rid of frames!" :-)
There's a frameset containing two frames. I don't like the default frame border rendered by the browser (especially on Chrome & Firefox). It's too thick and feels obtrusive! So I thought i'll hide the default frame border using frameborder=0
attribute on the frame and add the desired style on the content inside the frames. The problem is: after adding frameborder=0
, the frames are not resizable anymore on Chrome & Safari, whereas IE & Firefox can still resize them. This is my code:
<frameset rows="80%,20%" >
<frame id="frame1" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" />
<frame id="frame2" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" />
Is there anyway to override the default frame border rendering and still retain the resizability?
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使用普通的 css 设计你的框架,我认为这应该可行,但是框架是邪恶的,没有人使用它们>。>
Style your frames with normal css, I think that should work, but yeah frames are evil and nobody uses them >.>
Try adding this to your frameset page styles:
我制作了一个脚本,在文档中放置一个手柄栏,您可以使用它调整 FF 和 chrome 中框架集的大小。不完美但可能有帮助:
I made a script that places a handle bar inside the document with which you can resize the frameset in FF and chrome. Not perfect but may help: