对 .NET SQL 程序集进行逆向工程
我有一个承包商没有为我们提供 sql 程序集的源代码,我需要更改其中的某些内容。有什么好的方法可以对其进行逆向工程吗?
I had a contractor who is not giving us source code for our sql assembly and I need to change something in there. Is there any good way to reverse engineer this?
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从技术上讲,Red Gates Reflector 会有所帮助。
Technically, Red Gates Reflector will help.
Legally, a Lawyer who can find out if you actually have the rights to the code and sue the contractor for it is the proper way to go.
Jetbrains dotPeek 也是一个免费选项。
Jetbrains dotPeek is also a free option.
Telerik 也有自己的免费反编译器 JustDecompile,但正如 Michael 指出的那样,它可能不是这样做是合法的。
Telerik also has their own free decompiler JustDecompile, but as Michael pointed out, it may not be legal to do so.
值得一提的是,自从红门的反射器开始充电以来; JetBrains (Resharper) 发布了 dotPeek 作为免费替代方案。
Worth mentioning, since Red Gate's reflector started charging; JetBrains (Resharper) released dotPeek as a free alternative.
为了完整起见,还有 ILSpy。但请先咨询您的律师。
For completeness, there's also ILSpy. But check with your attorney first.