将 Matlab 的 FFT 移植到本机 Java
我想将 Matlab 的快速傅里叶变换函数 fft() 移植到本机 Java 代码。
作为起点,我使用 JMathLib 的代码,其中 FFT 的实现如下:
// given double[] x as the input signal
n = x.length; // assume n is a power of 2
nu = (int)(Math.log(n)/Math.log(2));
int n2 = n/2;
int nu1 = nu - 1;
double[] xre = new double[n];
double[] xim = new double[n];
double[] mag = new double[n2];
double tr, ti, p, arg, c, s;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xre[i] = x[i];
xim[i] = 0.0;
int k = 0;
for (int l = 1; l <= nu; l++) {
while (k < n) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n2; i++) {
p = bitrev (k >> nu1);
arg = 2 * (double) Math.PI * p / n;
c = (double) Math.cos (arg);
s = (double) Math.sin (arg);
tr = xre[k+n2]*c + xim[k+n2]*s;
ti = xim[k+n2]*c - xre[k+n2]*s;
xre[k+n2] = xre[k] - tr;
xim[k+n2] = xim[k] - ti;
xre[k] += tr;
xim[k] += ti;
k += n2;
k = 0;
n2 = n2/2;
k = 0;
int r;
while (k < n) {
r = bitrev (k);
if (r > k) {
tr = xre[k];
ti = xim[k];
xre[k] = xre[r];
xim[k] = xim[r];
xre[r] = tr;
xim[r] = ti;
// The result
// -> real part stored in xre
// -> imaginary part stored in xim
双[] x = { 1.0d, 5.0d, 9.0d, 13.0d };
-8.0 - 8.0i
-8.0 + 8.0i
-8.0 + 8.0i
-8.0 - 8.0i
我的问题:我怎样才能调整我的实现,使其“等于”Matlab 的实现? 或者:是否已经有一个库可以做到这一点?
I want to port Matlab's Fast Fourier transform function fft() to native Java code.
As a starting point I am using the code of JMathLib where the FFT is implemented as follows:
// given double[] x as the input signal
n = x.length; // assume n is a power of 2
nu = (int)(Math.log(n)/Math.log(2));
int n2 = n/2;
int nu1 = nu - 1;
double[] xre = new double[n];
double[] xim = new double[n];
double[] mag = new double[n2];
double tr, ti, p, arg, c, s;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xre[i] = x[i];
xim[i] = 0.0;
int k = 0;
for (int l = 1; l <= nu; l++) {
while (k < n) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n2; i++) {
p = bitrev (k >> nu1);
arg = 2 * (double) Math.PI * p / n;
c = (double) Math.cos (arg);
s = (double) Math.sin (arg);
tr = xre[k+n2]*c + xim[k+n2]*s;
ti = xim[k+n2]*c - xre[k+n2]*s;
xre[k+n2] = xre[k] - tr;
xim[k+n2] = xim[k] - ti;
xre[k] += tr;
xim[k] += ti;
k += n2;
k = 0;
n2 = n2/2;
k = 0;
int r;
while (k < n) {
r = bitrev (k);
if (r > k) {
tr = xre[k];
ti = xim[k];
xre[k] = xre[r];
xim[k] = xim[r];
xre[r] = tr;
xim[r] = ti;
// The result
// -> real part stored in xre
// -> imaginary part stored in xim
Unfortunately it doesn't give me the right results when I unit test it, for example with the array
double[] x = { 1.0d, 5.0d, 9.0d, 13.0d };
the result in Matlab:
-8.0 - 8.0i
-8.0 + 8.0i
the result in my implementation:
-8.0 + 8.0i
-8.0 - 8.0i
Note how the signs are wrong in the complex part.
When I use longer, more complex signals the differences between the implementations affects also the numbers. So the implementation differences does not only relate to some sign-"error".
My question: how can I adapt my implemenation to make it "equal" to the Matlab one?
Or: is there already a library that does exactly this?
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为了在矩阵上使用 Jtransforms 进行 FFT,您需要逐列进行 fft col,然后将它们连接到矩阵中。这是我的代码,我将其与 Matlab fft 进行比较,
希望这是您正在寻找的。请注意,Jtransforms 将复数表示为
in order to use Jtransforms for FFT on matrix you need to do fft col by col and then join them into a matrix. here is my code which i compared with Matlab fft
hope this what you are looking for. note that Jtransforms represent Complex numbers as