perl 中的 DBD 和 mysql 问题
请我在追踪这段代码的问题时遇到问题,我已经尝试了几个小时了。它给了我错误 DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() withoutexecute() at line 15
sub Split_Into_Words
#### Connection parameters ############################
my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:malware:localhost:3306";
my $user = 'root';
my $passwd = 'sxxxs';
my $domain ;
my $countDir = 0 ;
my $file = shift ;
my $labelID = (split(/[.]/ , $file))[1] ; ### Split and get the middle value since format is temporay.
#### Query String ############################################################################
my $InsertIntoHostTable_QS = "INSERT INTO TB_host(HostName , UrlID , ExtID) Values (? , ? , ? ) ; ";
my $InsertIntoDomainTable_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_Domain(Domain) values (?) ;" ;
my $InsertIntoArgVal_QS = "INSERT INTO TB_Arg_Value(Arg, URL_ID) VALUES (? , ? ) ; " ;
my $InsertIntoDirectory_QS = "INSERT INTO TB_Directory(DIRNAME , DEPTH , URLID) VALUES (? , ? , ? )" ;
my $InsertIntoExtension_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_Extension (Extension) values ( ? ) ; ";
my $InsertIntoExtensionNULL_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_Extension (ID , Extension) values (? , ? ) ; ";
my $SelectString = " Select URL , ID from TB_URL where LabelID = '" . $labelID."';";
my $InsertIntoFileName_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_FileName( filename) VALUES (?) ; " ;
my $DBIConnect = DBI->connect($dsn , $user , $passwd) or die("Cannot connect to datadbase $DBI::errstr\n");
print ("Splitting Into Words \n");
######Initialization of a default DB value #################
my $sth = $DBIConnect->prepare( $InsertIntoExtensionNULL_QS);
$sth->execute(1 , 'null') or die("Error Executing the Insertion" . $sth->errstr );
$sth = $DBIConnect ->prepare($SelectString);
open (FH , '<' , $file); # Open file to be read from disk
my $i = 0;
$sth->execute() or die("Error Executing the Insertion" . $sth->errstr );
->line 15 while(my $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref )
my $extensionID = "1";
my $intialURL = $hash_ref->{URL} ;
my $initialID = $hash_ref->{ID};
Please I am having problem tracking down the problem with this code I have been trying for hours . it gives me the error DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() at line 15
sub Split_Into_Words
#### Connection parameters ############################
my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:malware:localhost:3306";
my $user = 'root';
my $passwd = 'sxxxs';
my $domain ;
my $countDir = 0 ;
my $file = shift ;
my $labelID = (split(/[.]/ , $file))[1] ; ### Split and get the middle value since format is temporay.
#### Query String ############################################################################
my $InsertIntoHostTable_QS = "INSERT INTO TB_host(HostName , UrlID , ExtID) Values (? , ? , ? ) ; ";
my $InsertIntoDomainTable_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_Domain(Domain) values (?) ;" ;
my $InsertIntoArgVal_QS = "INSERT INTO TB_Arg_Value(Arg, URL_ID) VALUES (? , ? ) ; " ;
my $InsertIntoDirectory_QS = "INSERT INTO TB_Directory(DIRNAME , DEPTH , URLID) VALUES (? , ? , ? )" ;
my $InsertIntoExtension_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_Extension (Extension) values ( ? ) ; ";
my $InsertIntoExtensionNULL_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_Extension (ID , Extension) values (? , ? ) ; ";
my $SelectString = " Select URL , ID from TB_URL where LabelID = '" . $labelID."';";
my $InsertIntoFileName_QS = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TB_FileName( filename) VALUES (?) ; " ;
my $DBIConnect = DBI->connect($dsn , $user , $passwd) or die("Cannot connect to datadbase $DBI::errstr\n");
print ("Splitting Into Words \n");
######Initialization of a default DB value #################
my $sth = $DBIConnect->prepare( $InsertIntoExtensionNULL_QS);
$sth->execute(1 , 'null') or die("Error Executing the Insertion" . $sth->errstr );
$sth = $DBIConnect ->prepare($SelectString);
open (FH , '<' , $file); # Open file to be read from disk
my $i = 0;
$sth->execute() or die("Error Executing the Insertion" . $sth->errstr );
->line 15 while(my $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref )
my $extensionID = "1";
my $intialURL = $hash_ref->{URL} ;
my $initialID = $hash_ref->{ID};
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我不确定这是否是问题所在,但插入后您可能不需要进行表面处理。来自 DBI 文档:
如果这是问题所在,您可能需要为 select 调用创建第二个语句处理程序。
I'm not sure if this is the issue, but you may not need the finish after the insert. From the DBI doc:
If that is the problem, you may want to create a second statement handler for the select call.
除了烦人的长 SQL 变量名称之外,$SelectString 还应该包含一个“?”,以防 $labelID 包含可能破坏查询或导致注入的内容。
首先不需要 $sth->finish() ,因为查询是插入并且不返回任何行。
第二个“die”应该是“执行查询时出错”,因为它执行 $SelectString
注意 SQL 约定是全部大写,并且为了额外的安全性,将字段名称括在反引号中。查询不以分号结束。另请注意,“我的”变量是大括号 { } 之间的局部变量,因此 while 循环中的我的变量随后将不可用。
Apart from the annoyingly long SQL variable names, $SelectString should contain a "?", in case $labelID contains something that could break the query or cause an injection.
prepare() doesn't absolutely require a "?", but if execute has parameters, then there must be a matching number of "?" in the query string.
First $sth->finish() is not needed because the query is an insert and doesn't return any rows.
Second 'die' should be "Error executing query", because it executing $SelectString
Note SQL convention is to write all in uppercase, and for extra safety enclose field names in backticks. Queries do not end with semicolon. Also note that "my" variables are local to that between braces, { } so that my variables in the while loop will be unavailable afterwards.
Suggest formatting thus: