VTK / Python / 编译
我想在 Windows 系统上将 VTK 与 Python 一起使用。
看来我无法使用 Windows 安装程序,但“必须使用 CMake 和本机构建系统从源代码编译 VTK”。到目前为止我已经安装了CMake。
但现在我想知道如何进行?看来我需要 MS Visual Studio 来创建项目文件?!
但我没有 Visual Studio。那我能做什么呢?
I want to use VTK together with Python on a Windows system.
It seems that I cannot use the windows installer but "have to compile VTK from source code using CMake and a native build system". So far I have installed CMake.
But now I wonder how to proceed? It seems that I need MS Visual Studio to create the project files?!
But I don't have Visual Studio. So what can I do?
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这里有一个 VTK 安装程序:
http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke /pythonlibs/
There is a VTK installer here:
It appears to work fine for me and it beats compiling it.
当您问这个问题时情况并非如此,但从版本 6.1 开始,vtk-python 附带了 Windows(linux 和 osx)安装程序。请参阅他们的下载页面了解更多信息。
It wasn't the case when you asked this question, but since version 6.1, vtk-python ships with a Windows (linux and osx) installer. See their download page for more information.
您只需安装 pythonxy 框架即可将 VTK 与 python 一起使用,它只是一个带有许多库的 python,包括 VTK、ITK、Qt 等,而且它有很好的文档,并且有很多示例,全部都是用 python 编写的。我向你推荐它,我已经用它做了很多工作,而且非常神奇。
尝试一下吧。您所要做的就是在安装程序向导中选择工具 VTK,它将随 vtk 一起安装。
You can use VTK with python just installing pythonxy framework, it is just a python with many many libraries included VTK, ITK, Qt and many other, also it is very well documented, and also have many examples, all in python. I recommend it to you, I have worked a lot with it, and is very amazing.
Just make a try. All you have to do is in the installer wizard select among the tools, VTK, and it will be installed with vtk.
如果 32 位对您来说足够了,我建议您查看 Python(x,y)。您不仅可以获得 VTK,还可以获得许多其他有用的科学库。
If 32bit is enough for you, I suggest looking into Python(x,y). You get not only VTK but a whole lot of other useful scientific libraries.