PHP 可以读取大的 xlsx 文件吗?
我有一个大的 xlsx 文件(16 000 行和 14 列),我尝试使用 PHPExcel 来读取它,但出现错误:致命错误:Z 中允许的内存大小为 134217728 字节耗尽(试图分配 58 字节) :\home\xlsx.qqq\www\PHPExcel\Classes\PHPExcel\Worksheet.php 第 961 行。
是否可以在 php 中读取大 xlsx 文件而不会出现此类错误?
I have big xlsx file (16 000 rows and 14 columns), I tried to use PHPExcel to read it, but I got error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 58 bytes) in Z:\home\xlsx.qqq\www\PHPExcel\Classes\PHPExcel\Worksheet.php on line 961
Is it possible to read big xlsx file in php without such errors?
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使用 PHPExcel 单元格缓存系统 - 您可以在下载包中包含的文档文件中找到更多信息。
Use PHPExcel cell caching system - you can find more in the documentation file included in the download package.
我可以想到两个选择。要么增加 PHP 的内存限制,以便可以一次性将整个文件读入内存,要么增量读取文件。
I can think of two options. Either increase PHP's memory limit so that the entire file can be read into memory at once or read the file incrementally.