json_decode 使用 PHP、NFL API 返回 null
由于某种原因 json_decode 返回 NULL 和有效的 JSON。
json 位于此处: http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/scorestrip .json
我正在获取页面的文件内容(file_get_contents),然后在其上运行 json_decode 。
还尝试了魔术引号的stripslashes b/c。
提前致谢, 菲尔
$json = file_get_contents('http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/scorestrip.json');
For some reason json_decode is returning NULL with valid JSON.
The json is located here: http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/scorestrip.json
I am getting the file contents of the page (file_get_contents) and then running json_decode on it.
Also tried stripslashes b/c of magic quotes.
Thanks in advance,
$json = file_get_contents('http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/scorestrip.json');
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空数组元素是无效的 JSON,即多个逗号之间没有值
您可以尝试在多个逗号之间插入空字符串(感谢 hakre),即
The empty array elements are invalid JSON, ie the multiple commas with no values between
You could try inserting empty strings between multiple commas (thanks hakre), ie
I don't know if this messes up your ability to continue using the data though
我得出了和 Phil 相同的结论,但我花了大约 5 分钟的时间。 :)
我不喜欢在正则表达式中进行这种模式检测,只是因为我认为它更难维护。在本例中,我只是通过 while 循环运行它。
I came the same conclusion as Phil, but it took me about 5 minutes longer. : )
However, I noticed a problem in his output... it is dropping a field.
I don't like doing this kind of pattern detection in RegEx, only because I think it is harder to maintain. In this case, I just run it through a while loop.
I'm sure Phil can come up with a proper RegEx, but this solution will maintain the right # of entries & their ordinal positions.
对于任何关注 2014 年的人。新的 feed 数据链接应该是:
http://www.nfl .com/liveupdate/scores/scores.json
For anyone looking in 2014. The new feed data link should be: