jQuery onClick 打印屏幕 &发送图像电子邮件
我的网站上有一个 iFrame。在它的网站上,它使用Flash“建造自己的炉灶”。一旦建成,它就会显示出他们正在寻找的炉灶的型号。我想要在 iFrame 上方有一个表格,可以发送他们的电子邮件地址(输入)和 iFrame 的副本,以便我可以看到他们正在询问的型号。
所以我想看看是否可以有一个表单,当单击提交按钮时,它会发送他们正在查看的页面的 PrintScreen 图像,最好是在 jQuery 中。
(当然,我无法控制 Flash,也无法控制我在 iFrame 中链接的网站。)
I have got an iFrame on my site. On the site in it, it uses Flash to "build their own cooking range". Once built it spits out a model number of the cooking range they are looking for. I want to have a form above the iFrame that could send thier email address (input) and a copy of the iFrame so I can see what model they are inquiring about.
So I'm looking to see if I can have a form that when a submit button is clicked, it will send a PrintScreen image of the page they are looking at, preferably in jQuery.
(Granted I don't have control of the Flash nor website I'm linking in the iFrame.)
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但这使用 HTML5 Canvas 来制作屏幕截图,所以它不会'可以在所有浏览器中工作它目前不支持所有 CSS3 属性。
Well, there is a solution to do this:
But this uses HTML5 Canvas to make the Screenshot, so it won't work in all browsers & it's currently not supporting all CSS3 properties.
I'm not sure wether this is a good way to do it though. Maybe you should just think about another way to do it.
Javascript 不可能创建用户页面的 PrintScreen。如果网站开发者可以随时抓取用户屏幕的截图,那将是对隐私的严重侵犯。
It is not possible for Javascript to create a PrintScreen of the user's page. It would be a gross invasion of privacy if website developers could at any moment grab a shot of the user's screen.
如果没有浏览器插件,JavaScript 无法生成页面的屏幕截图。
JavaScript cannot produce a screenshot of the page without a browser plug-in.