C# 递归函数有助于理解它是如何工作的?

发布于 2024-11-29 05:12:15 字数 1176 浏览 9 评论 0原文

我需要帮助来理解函数是如何工作的;:它是一个带有yield return的递归函数,但我不知道它是如何工作的。它用于计算一组数据的累积密度函数(近似值)。

/// Approximates the cumulative density through a recursive procedure 
/// estimating counts of regions at different resolutions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Source collection of integer values</param>
/// <param name="maximum">The largest integer in the resulting cdf (it has to be a power of 2...</param>
/// <returns>A list of counts, where entry i is the number of records less than i</returns>

public static IEnumerable<int> FUNCT(IEnumerable<int> data, int max)
    if (max == 1)
            yield return data.Count();
            var t = data.Where(x => x < max / 2);
            var f = data.Where(x => x > max / 2);

            foreach (var value in FUNCT(t, max / 2))
                yield return value;  

            var count = t.Count();
            f = f.Select(x => x - max / 2);
            foreach (var value in FUNCT(f, max / 2))   
                yield return value + count;

I need help to understand how a function is working;: it is a recursive function with yield return but I can't figure out how it works. It is used calculate a cumulative density function (approximate) over a set of data.
Thanks a lot to everyone.

/// Approximates the cumulative density through a recursive procedure 
/// estimating counts of regions at different resolutions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Source collection of integer values</param>
/// <param name="maximum">The largest integer in the resulting cdf (it has to be a power of 2...</param>
/// <returns>A list of counts, where entry i is the number of records less than i</returns>

public static IEnumerable<int> FUNCT(IEnumerable<int> data, int max)
    if (max == 1)
            yield return data.Count();
            var t = data.Where(x => x < max / 2);
            var f = data.Where(x => x > max / 2);

            foreach (var value in FUNCT(t, max / 2))
                yield return value;  

            var count = t.Count();
            f = f.Select(x => x - max / 2);
            foreach (var value in FUNCT(f, max / 2))   
                yield return value + count;

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許願樹丅啲祈禱 2024-12-06 05:12:15


IEnumerable<int> F(int n)
    if (n == 1)
       yield return 1;
       yield return 2;
       // implied yield return break;
    // Enter loop 1
    foreach (var v in F(n - 1))
        yield return v;
    // End loop 1
    int sum = 5;
    // Enter loop 2
    foreach (var v in F(n - 1))
        yield return v + sum;
    // End loop 2
    // implied yield return break;
void Main()
   foreach (var v in F(2))
   // implied return

F 采用原始 FUNCT 的基本形式。如果我们调用 F(2),则遍历结果:

|   F(1)
|   |   yield return 1
|   yield return 1
|   |  yield return 2    
|   yield return 2
|   |  RETURNS
|   sum = 5;
|   F(1)
|   |  yield return 1
|   yield return 1 + 5
|   |  yield return 2
|   yield return 2 + 5
|   |  RETURNS

并打印 1267。请注意,yield return 语句将控制权交给调用者,但下一次迭代会导致函数在先前让出的位置继续执行。

CDF 方法确实增加了一些额外的复杂性,但不多。递归将集合分成两部分,并计算每部分的 CDF,直到 max=1。然后该函数计算元素的数量并产生它,每个产生递归地传播到封闭循环。

要演练 FUNCT,假设您使用 data=[0,1,0,1,2,3,2,1]max=4< 运行/代码>。然后使用与上面相同的 Main 函数作为驱动程序运行该方法,结果如下:

FUNCT([0,1,0,1,2,3,2,1], 4)
| max/2 = 2
| t = [0,1,0,1,1]
| f = [3] // (note: per my comment to the original question,
|         // should be [2,3,2] to get true CDF.  The 2s are
|         // ignored since the method uses > max/2 rather than
|         // >= max/2.)
| FUNCT(t,max/2) = FUNCT([0,1,0,1,1], 2)
| |    max/2 = 1
| |    t = [0,0]
| |    f = [] // or [1,1,1]
| |    FUNCT(t, max/2) = FUNCT([0,0], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [0,0].count = 2
| |    yield return 2
| yield return 2
| |    |   RETURNS
| |    count = t.count = 2
| |    F(f, max/2) = FUNCT([], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [].count = 0
| |    yield return 0 + count = 2
| yield return 2
| |    |   RETURNS
| |    RETURNS
| count = t.Count() = 5
| f = f - max/2 = f - 2 = [1]
| FUNCT(f, max/2) = FUNCT([1], 2)
| |    max = 2
| |    max/2 = 1
| |    t = []
| |    f = [] // or [1]
| |    FUNCT(t, max/2) = funct([], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [].count = 0
| |    yield return 0
| yield return 0 + count = 5
| |    |   RETURNS
| |    count = t.count = [].count = 0
| |    f = f - max/2 = []
| |    F(f, max/2) = funct([], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [].count = 0
| |    yield return 0 + count = 0 + 0 = 0
| yield return 0 + count = 0 + 5 = 5
| |    RETURNS

因此返回值 (2,2,5,5)。 (使用 >= 将产生值 (2,5,7,8) - 请注意,这些是非负积分数据的缩放 CDF 的精确值,而不是近似值) 。

In essence, IEnumerable functions that use yield return function slightly differently from traditional recursive functions. As a base case, suppose you have:

IEnumerable<int> F(int n)
    if (n == 1)
       yield return 1;
       yield return 2;
       // implied yield return break;
    // Enter loop 1
    foreach (var v in F(n - 1))
        yield return v;
    // End loop 1
    int sum = 5;
    // Enter loop 2
    foreach (var v in F(n - 1))
        yield return v + sum;
    // End loop 2
    // implied yield return break;
void Main()
   foreach (var v in F(2))
   // implied return

F takes the basic orm of the original FUNCT. If we call F(2), then walking through the yields:

|   F(1)
|   |   yield return 1
|   yield return 1
|   |  yield return 2    
|   yield return 2
|   |  RETURNS
|   sum = 5;
|   F(1)
|   |  yield return 1
|   yield return 1 + 5
|   |  yield return 2
|   yield return 2 + 5
|   |  RETURNS

And 1267 is printed. Note that the yield return statement yields control to the caller, but that the next iteration causes the function to continue where it had previously yielded.

The CDF method does adds some additional complexity, but not much. The recursion splits the collection into two pieces, and computes the CDF of each piece, until max=1. Then the function counts the number of elements and yields it, with each yield propogating recursively to the enclosing loop.

To walk through FUNCT, suppose you run with data=[0,1,0,1,2,3,2,1] and max=4. Then running through the method, using the same Main function above as a driver, yields:

FUNCT([0,1,0,1,2,3,2,1], 4)
| max/2 = 2
| t = [0,1,0,1,1]
| f = [3] // (note: per my comment to the original question,
|         // should be [2,3,2] to get true CDF.  The 2s are
|         // ignored since the method uses > max/2 rather than
|         // >= max/2.)
| FUNCT(t,max/2) = FUNCT([0,1,0,1,1], 2)
| |    max/2 = 1
| |    t = [0,0]
| |    f = [] // or [1,1,1]
| |    FUNCT(t, max/2) = FUNCT([0,0], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [0,0].count = 2
| |    yield return 2
| yield return 2
| |    |   RETURNS
| |    count = t.count = 2
| |    F(f, max/2) = FUNCT([], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [].count = 0
| |    yield return 0 + count = 2
| yield return 2
| |    |   RETURNS
| |    RETURNS
| count = t.Count() = 5
| f = f - max/2 = f - 2 = [1]
| FUNCT(f, max/2) = FUNCT([1], 2)
| |    max = 2
| |    max/2 = 1
| |    t = []
| |    f = [] // or [1]
| |    FUNCT(t, max/2) = funct([], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [].count = 0
| |    yield return 0
| yield return 0 + count = 5
| |    |   RETURNS
| |    count = t.count = [].count = 0
| |    f = f - max/2 = []
| |    F(f, max/2) = funct([], 1)
| |    |   max = 1
| |    |   yield return data.count = [].count = 0
| |    yield return 0 + count = 0 + 0 = 0
| yield return 0 + count = 0 + 5 = 5
| |    RETURNS

So this returns the values (2,2,5,5). (using >= would yield the values (2,5,7,8) -- note that these are the exact values of a scaled CDF for non-negative integral data, rather than an approximation).

贪恋 2024-12-06 05:12:15

有趣的问题。假设您了解 yield 的工作原理,该函数的注释(在您的问题)非常有帮助。我按照我的理解对代码进行了评论,这可能会有所帮助:

    public static IEnumerable<int> FUNCT(IEnumerable<int> data, int max)
        if (max == 1)
            // Effectively the end of the recursion.
            yield return data.Count();
            // Split the data into two sets
            var t = data.Where(x => x < max / 2);
            var f = data.Where(x => x > max / 2);

            // In the set of smaller numbers, recurse to split it again
            foreach (var value in FUNCT(t, max / 2))
                yield return value;

            // For the set of smaller numbers, get the count.
            var count = t.Count();

            // Shift the larger numbers so they are in the smaller half.
            // This allows the recursive function to reach an end.
            f = f.Select(x => x - max / 2);

            // Recurse but add the count of smaller numbers. We already know there 
            // are at least 'count' values which are less than max / 2.
            // Recurse to find out how many more there are.
            foreach (var value in FUNCT(f, max / 2))   
                yield return value + count;

Interesting question. Assuming you understand how yield works, the comments on the function (in your question) are very helpful. I've commented the code as I understand it which might help:

    public static IEnumerable<int> FUNCT(IEnumerable<int> data, int max)
        if (max == 1)
            // Effectively the end of the recursion.
            yield return data.Count();
            // Split the data into two sets
            var t = data.Where(x => x < max / 2);
            var f = data.Where(x => x > max / 2);

            // In the set of smaller numbers, recurse to split it again
            foreach (var value in FUNCT(t, max / 2))
                yield return value;

            // For the set of smaller numbers, get the count.
            var count = t.Count();

            // Shift the larger numbers so they are in the smaller half.
            // This allows the recursive function to reach an end.
            f = f.Select(x => x - max / 2);

            // Recurse but add the count of smaller numbers. We already know there 
            // are at least 'count' values which are less than max / 2.
            // Recurse to find out how many more there are.
            foreach (var value in FUNCT(f, max / 2))   
                yield return value + count;
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