NS2 的 TCL 脚本生成器
是否有用于 NS2 的开源 TCL 脚本生成器? NS2 附带有 NAM。还有什么事情吗。如果有一个基于网络的就太好了!
Is there an open source TCL script generator for NS2? There is NAM that comes with NS2. Is there anything else. A web based one would be great!
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NSG 是一个很好的免费 TCL 代码生成器。请查看
您可以还想查看 mannasim
NSG is a good TCL code generator that is free. Check out
You may also want to check out mannasim
通用 Tcl 脚本生成器?这相当棘手,因为 Tcl 实际上是一种通用编程语言。但如果您只对生成简单的程序感兴趣,那么这并不难。 Tcl 命令是由空格分隔并以换行符终止的单词序列。如果您的字符是 Tcl 的元字符,您可以通过在前面放置反斜杠来引用它们(换行符除外;将其替换为
)。任何比简单调用更复杂的事情都可能被归入一个过程,但我怀疑您是否需要任何特别复杂的 NS2 脚本。如果你想要预先写好的东西,有 NSG 但我不知道对它了解不多。它是 Java 的,不是基于 Web 的。
A general Tcl script generator? That's quite tricky, as Tcl's really a general programming language. But if you're interested in just generating simple programs, it's not that hard. A Tcl command is a sequence of words separated by spaces and terminated by a newline character. Where you've got characters that are Tcl's metacharacters, you can quote them by putting a backslash in front (except for newline; replace that with
instead). Anything more complicated than a simple call can probably be relegated to a procedure, but I doubt you need anything particularly complex for NS2 scripts.If you want something pre-written, there's NSG but I don't know very much about it. It's Java, not web-based.
还有几个工具包括他。 Mannasim、Castalia、OMNET++...
This operation system is user-friendly to criation of the TCL scripts.
There also several tools includes him. Mannasim, Castalia, OMNET++...
Look: http://sourceforge.net/projects/liowsn/