Oracle 07 字典可访问性
我刚刚在 oracle 中遇到了 07_DICTIONARY ACCESSIBILITY。我想看看,一旦将数据字典的默认值更改为 true,它会对数据字典产生什么影响。 我无法在网络上找到有关此主题的合适帮助。我将如何在 Oracle 11G 第 2 版中实现这种可访问性。
I just came across 07_DICTIONARY ACCESSIBILITY in oracle. I want to see, what difference it makes to data dictionary once its default value is changed to true.
I am unable to find a suitable help on this topic on web. How am i going to implement this accessibilty in oracle 11G release 2.
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换句话说,如果用户被授予 SELECT ANY TABLE 权限,则此参数控制他们是否获得 SYS 模式中的访问对象,例如 X$ 表和数据字典视图。如果需要,还有其他角色可以显式授予此访问权限。
默认设置为 FALSE 的原因是 Oracle 7 的行为非常不安全,尤其是具有 EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE 等强大权限的情况下。
Perhaps you couldn't find it because you were looking for "zero seven" rather than "oh seven"?
Anyway, from the online documentation:
In other words, if a user is granted SELECT ANY TABLE, this parameter regulates whether they gain access objects in the SYS schema, such as the X$ tables and the data dictionary views. There are additional roles to explicitly grant this access if it is required.
The reason why the default is set to FALSE is that the Oracle 7 behaviour is very insecure, especially with powerful privileges like EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE.