int f(int min, int max, int x, int chance)
// where accepted chance values are 0 to 100 and x values are min to max
返回一个等于或大于 min
、小于或等于 max
的随机整数,结果的概率为 chance
% 概率在给定范围内的所有其他结果中均匀分布。
我的解决方案是创建一个包含 100 个单元格的数组,用符合域的随机非 x
等于数字填充它,并添加 chance
数量的 x< /code>-等于值并取随机单元格的值。但我相信受过良好教育的开发人员可以提出更好的解决方案。你可以吗?
I need a function like
int f(int min, int max, int x, int chance)
// where accepted chance values are 0 to 100 and x values are min to max
to return a random integer equal or greater than min
, smaller or equal to max
with chance
% probability of the result to equal x
and 100-chance
% probability spread uniformly among all other results in the given range.
My solution is to create an array of 100 cells, fill it with random domain-compliant non-x
-equal numbers, throw-in chance
number of x
-equal values and take a value of a random cell. But I believe there is to be a much better solution a better educated developer can suggest. Can you?
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稍微不确定,因为理论上您可能会陷入重复 x 作为随机数的困境,但在实际使用中这不是问题。
编辑:但是,如果您查看 Albin Sunnanbo 的方法,他会设法避免重复 random.Next 调用,只需避免最大值并在第一个随机数为 x 或更大时递增(因此也排除 x)。
One way you could handle this is to do:
Slightly nondeterministic in that you could theoretically get stuck repeating x as your random number, but in practical usage not a problem.
EDIT: If you look at Albin Sunnanbo's approach, however, he manages to avoid repeated random.Next invocations simply by avoiding the maximum value and incrementing if the first random is x or more (thus also excluding x).
Might be an offset by one error somewhere
I think this should work good for you: