I would suggest Netbeans as it uses maven as its build system. i.e. the tightest integration. However other IDEs such as IntelliJ and Eclipse also have excellent integration.
NetBeans and IntelliJ don't need a plugin for Maven support.
Eclipse or NetBeans provide a good support for maven. (Eclipse with plugin)
I found that the support for maven is in NetBeans better as it is in Eclipse.
In Eclipse you need the plugin m2eclipse.
我建议使用 Netbeans,因为它使用 Maven 作为其构建系统。即最紧密的集成。然而,其他 IDE(例如 IntelliJ 和 Eclipse)也具有出色的集成性。
NetBeans 和 IntelliJ 不需要插件来支持 Maven。
I would suggest Netbeans as it uses maven as its build system. i.e. the tightest integration. However other IDEs such as IntelliJ and Eclipse also have excellent integration.
NetBeans and IntelliJ don't need a plugin for Maven support.
Eclipse或者NetBeans对maven提供了很好的支持。 (带插件的 Eclipse)
我发现 NetBeans 中对 Maven 的支持比 Eclipse 中更好。
在 Eclipse 中,您需要插件 m2eclipse。
Eclipse or NetBeans provide a good support for maven. (Eclipse with plugin)
I found that the support for maven is in NetBeans better as it is in Eclipse.
In Eclipse you need the plugin m2eclipse.
自从 Eclipse Indigo 以来,maven 支持确实得到了改善。
Since Eclipse Indigo the maven support in has really improved.
note that the eclipse plugin is provided by "Sonatype" which support
the maven project
Eclipse http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-ide-eclipse.html
Eclipse http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-ide-eclipse.html
我建议使用 Eclipse IDE。
i would suggest to go with eclipse IDE.