Well relational data is needed more for data integrity than indexing. Speed is not the only consideration when choosing a database. SQL Server and other enterpise databases can perform very well if they are designed by people who know what they are doing. Unforuntately most relational databases are designed by data amateurs and their performance reflects that.
NoSQL databases and relational database are used for different things. I would never consider putting a financial application in noSQL for instance because of the need for data integrity and internal controls to prevent fraud and ensure records are consistent and correct. However a website where data quality doesnt matter so much (think Google - who would notice if they failed to serve up every single website that mentions Bill Gates in a query) then yes it is a good choice.
关系数据比索引更需要数据完整性。选择数据库时速度并不是唯一的考虑因素。如果 SQL Server 和其他企业数据库是由知道自己在做什么的人设计的,那么它们可以表现得很好。不幸的是,大多数关系数据库都是由数据业余爱好者设计的,它们的性能反映了这一点。
NoSQL 数据库和关系数据库用于不同的用途。例如,我永远不会考虑将财务应用程序放入 noSQL 中,因为需要数据完整性和内部控制来防止欺诈并确保记录一致和正确。然而,一个数据质量并不那么重要的网站(想想谷歌——如果他们未能提供查询中提到比尔·盖茨的每个网站,谁会注意到)那么是的,这是一个不错的选择。
Well relational data is needed more for data integrity than indexing. Speed is not the only consideration when choosing a database. SQL Server and other enterpise databases can perform very well if they are designed by people who know what they are doing. Unforuntately most relational databases are designed by data amateurs and their performance reflects that.
NoSQL databases and relational database are used for different things. I would never consider putting a financial application in noSQL for instance because of the need for data integrity and internal controls to prevent fraud and ensure records are consistent and correct. However a website where data quality doesnt matter so much (think Google - who would notice if they failed to serve up every single website that mentions Bill Gates in a query) then yes it is a good choice.