python 的轻量级 DBAL
有人可以向我推荐一些最适合我的要求的 python DBAL 库吗?我想直接编写sql语句,大部分逻辑将在db存储过程(postgresql)中,所以我只需要调用db过程,向它们传递参数并获取结果。该库应该帮助我引用(防止 sql 注入)。 我玩过sqlalchemy,但我认为直接将sql语句写入engine.execute方法时没有引用助手。
can somebody please recomend me some python DBAL library that will best suit my requirements. I would like to write my sql statements directly, most of the logics will be in db stored procedures (postgresql), so I only need to invoke db procedures, pass arguments to them and fetch the results. The library should help me with quoting (preventing sql inject).
I played with sqlalchemy, but i think that there is no quoting helper when writing sql statement directly to engine.execute method.
Thank you
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您应该更深入地了解 sqlalchemy;它在引用占位符方面做得很好:
You should have given sqlalchemy a deeper look; It does a fine job of quoting placeholders:
如果你正确使用的话,psycopg2(通过 DB-API)会自动引用以防止 SQL 注入。 (python 方式是错误的;您必须将参数作为参数传递给查询命令本身。)
注意:您不使用 %,并且你不会在你的价值观周围加上引号。
MySQLdb 和 sqlite3 的语法略有不同。 (例如,sqlite 使用 ? 而不是 %s。)
此外,对于 psycopg2,即使您正在处理数字或其他类型,也始终使用 %s。
psycopg2 (via DB-API) will automatically quote to prevent SQL injection, IF you use it properly. (The python way is wrong; you have to pass the parameters as arguments to the query command itself.)
Note: you don't use %, and you don't put quotes around your values.
The syntax is slightly different for MySQLdb and sqlite3. (For example, sqlite uses ? instead of %s.)
Also, for psycopg2, always use %s even if you're dealing with numbers or some other type.