我需要 Zimbra 来检测传入电子邮件并运行一些代码。我是 Zimbra 的新手,仍在学习如何将其组合在一起,但据我所知,有几种方法可以解决此问题。
- 收到电子邮件时,Zimbra 是否已经运行脚本?如果是这样我可以添加几行。
- Zimbra 会记录传入的电子邮件吗?如果是这样,我可以经常检查一下,看看有哪些新电子邮件进来。
- 可以创建一个计划作业来查询数据库以查找自上次检查以来的新电子邮件。
一些无聊的细节: 办公室里的人没有足够地检查他们的工作电子邮件,并且错过了重要的东西。我的工作是当他们收到新邮件时向他们的个人电子邮件地址发送通知电子邮件
I need Zimbra to detect an incoming email and run some code. I'm new to Zimbra and am still learning how it all fits together, but from what I can tell there are a few ways to go about this.
- Does Zimbra already run a script when an email is received? If so I could just add a few lines.
- Does Zimbra log incoming email? If so I could check that every so often and see what new emails have come in.
- Could create a scheduled job to query the database for new emails since last check.
Any ideas on where to go with this?
Some boring specifics:
The people in the office don't check their work emails enough and are missing important stuff. My job is to send a notification email to their personal email address when they get mew mail
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Zimbra 可以自动转发到任何地址,但如果没有大量工作,它就无法在收到后运行脚本。它旨在扩展到大型安装,因此(一方面)它尝试不对大型通讯组列表的每个收件人执行任何操作。例如,没有 procmail,也没有真正的方法来连接它。
Zimbra can auto-forward to any address, but it can't run scripts on receipt without a lot of work. It's designed to scale to large installations, so (for one thing) it tries not to do anything per-recipient for a large distribution list. So e.g. there's no procmail and no real way to hook it up.