如何在使用 Grails Spring 框架开发的基于 Spring Security 的应用程序中使用 xfire 插件?
我使用 Spring Security 插件在 Grails 中开发了一个小型应用程序,并且运行良好。
现在我想把它变成一个网络服务。通过搜索网络,我找到了 xfire 插件并将其安装在我的应用程序中,并按照以下说明进行操作:
在登录服务中复制了登录控制器代码并使用了 static Exposure=['xfire']
。当我在浏览器中运行获取 wsdl 代码的应用程序时,我不明白下一步该做什么?
I have developed a small application in Grails by using Spring Security plug in and it's working fine.
Now I want to make it a web service. By searching the web I found xfire plug in and installed it in my app and followed instructions as:
Made copied login controller code in login service and used static expose=['xfire']
. When I run app getting wsdl code in browser, I am not understanding what to do next?
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如果您在浏览器中获得了 wsdl 代码,那么您就已准备就绪。服务类中的所有方法(不是闭包、方法)都可以作为 Web 服务方法进行访问。
现在,某人可以从您的 wsdl (http://yourhost/yourcontext/services/my?WSDL) 创建一个 Web 服务客户端,并且该客户端应该能够使用方法“reverse”,向其传递一个字符串,并获取反转的字符串作为结果。
如果您想了解如何设置使用您的 Web 服务的 Web 服务客户端。查看 groovyWS 或 CXF。
If you're getting wsdl code in your browser, then you're all set. All the METHODS in the service class (not closures, methods) will be accessible as webservice methods.
For example, if your service was called "MyService", like:
Now, someone can create a webservice client from your wsdl (http://yourhost/yourcontext/services/my?WSDL), and that client should be able to use the method "reverse", passing it a String, and getting the reversed String as the result.
If you'd like to know how to set up the web service client that USES your webservice. Check out groovyWS or CXF.