我试图查看 1) excel 中的单元格值是否与表中的另一个单元格匹配,2) 对于匹配的单元格,请输入表中的相应信息。我想出了以下公式,但它不起作用: IF(OR(EXACT(A2,$O$2:$O$467)),VLOOKUP(O2,O2:S2,4),"")
I am trying to see 1) if a cell value in excel matches another cell in a table and 2) For the matching cells, enter corresponding information from the table . I came up with the following formula, but it doesn't work: IF(OR(EXACT(A2,$O$2:$O$467)),VLOOKUP(O2,O2:S2,4),"")
Can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?
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在 VLOOKUP 函数中添加“FALSE”作为第四个参数将仅返回完全匹配的数据。
(注意:IFERROR 仅适用于 Excel 2007 及更高版本。如果您使用的是早期版本,则可以使用
Adding "FALSE" as the 4th parameter in the VLOOKUP function will return data only for an exact match.
(Note: IFERROR only works in Excel 2007 and later. If you are using an earlier version you can use
.)This will not work if you are looking for a case-sensitive match.