JUNG doesn't exactly have a native notion of edge weights (or any other edge- or vertex-related metadata). What it has instead is a convention for how to tell algorithms that need such metadata how to access it. For more information, see the "User Data" section here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/jung/wiki/JUNGManual
JUNG 并不完全具有边权重(或任何其他与边或顶点相关的元数据)的原生概念。相反,它具有如何告诉需要此类元数据的算法如何访问它的约定。有关更多信息,请参阅此处的“用户数据”部分:https://sourceforge.net/应用程序/trac/jung/wiki/JUNGManual
JUNG doesn't exactly have a native notion of edge weights (or any other edge- or vertex-related metadata). What it has instead is a convention for how to tell algorithms that need such metadata how to access it. For more information, see the "User Data" section here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/jung/wiki/JUNGManual