如何编辑 ac# 列表框中的值
这更多的是一种关于如何让用户编辑列表框中的值的 UI 设计方法。
第一种方法是在列表附近有一个文本框。 当用户选择列表中的元素时,文本将转到文本框。
我的第二个方法是出现一个输入框(模式)并在那里编辑值。< /p>
This is more of a UI Design approach on how to let the user edit values in a list box.
I am interested in the Usability issue.
First approach is having a textBox near the list.
When user selects an element in the list, the text goes to the textbox.My second though is having an input box coming up (a modal) and edit the value there.
Another option is to use a list view and let the user edit inline. This might be tricky if the user doesn't know this is editable (not all user do)
What would you prefer? Any suggestions on a different approach?
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I have used data binding to bind text boxes and numeric controls to a listbox. As the list box selection is changed then the relevant data appears in the controls.
Another way is a property grid linked to the current selected item in the list box. That works well for users who may be relatively savvy for the property grid.
As far as I think I would go for your second approach. I would like an edit button. When I select any item in the list box, edit button should be enabled. When I click edit a small modal dialog saying
and intextbox
displaying the current value which I can edit.我认为列表视图看起来更干净,而且随着越来越多的网页使用客户端脚本、Ajax 等,人们越来越习惯这种事情。
我不喜欢模式弹出窗口的想法 - 非常笨重。
I think a list view looks a lot cleaner, and people are getting more used to this kind of thing as more web pages use client-side script, Ajax, etc.
I don't like the idea of a modal popup - very clunky.
我最近使用隐藏文本框完成了此操作,当用户双击或按 F2 时,我将显示该隐藏文本框位于填充了所选项目文本的列表框项目上方。当用户按下 Enter 键或文本框失去焦点时,文本框将被隐藏,列表框项目文本将替换为编辑框文本。如果用户按下 Esc 键,则文本框将被隐藏,并且列表项文本保持不变(即取消)。
I did this recently using a hidden text box that I would show positioned over the list box item populated with the selected item text when the user double clicked or pressed F2. When the user pressed enter or the text box lost focus, the text box was hidden and the list box item text was replaced with the edit box text. If the user pressed escape, the text box was hidden and the list item text remained unchanged (i.e cancel).