Flash 视频播放器缓冲区问题和大视频文件
我们开发了Flash视频播放器,需要播放大视频(至少500 MB视频)。
我正在播放一个 100 MB 以上的视频,它开始播放并说它正在缓冲该视频的 50%。然后我将关闭该页面。如果我再次拍摄该视频,它就会从头开始下载。它永远不会从上次缓冲的位置恢复下载。但对于小视频文件来说,这看起来还不错。视频播放器可以缓冲的大小有限制吗?或任何其他问题。请分享您的想法
有没有更好的方法来播放大视频(超过 500 MB)。 Flash 播放器中是否有其他协议或任何其他设置?请在这里也给出您的有效建议...
We have developed flash video player which needs to playe large videos (at least 500 MB videos).
We have some issues in the player right now.
I am playing a 100 MB + video, it start playing and say it is buffering upto 50% of that video. Then I am closing that page. If I take that video again, it starts downloading from beginning. It never resume downloading from where it buffered previous time. But for small video files, this is looking ok. Is there any size limit a video player can buffer? or any other issues. Please share your thoughts
Is there any better way to play large videos (more than 500 MB). Any other protocol or any other settings in flash player? Please give your valid suggestions here also...
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如果流媒体视频不可行(例如服务器昂贵),您也可以尝试修改渐进式下载。服务器基本上接受浏览器请求并剪切视频的特定版本,然后将其发送到用户的浏览器。我知道有针对各种流行服务器的扩展。事实上,这与 youtube 使用的非常相似(如果不是,也是相同)。
一些关于 gawk 的参考:
If streaming video is out of the question (eg servers are expensive) you may also try a modified-progressive download. The server basically takes the browser request and cuts a specific version of the video which it then sends to the user's browser. I know there are extensions of this for various popular servers. Infact, this is very similar (if not , the same) as what youtube uses.
Some references to gawk at: