哪个 Python IDE 具有 Visual Studio 功能?
我正在寻找具有 Visual Studio 功能的 Python IDE。在经历了类似的问题和阅读评论之后,我几乎没有看到提到的以下两个功能:
- 转到定义 - 例如从调用方法的位置转到其定义(也许该类位于另一个模块中)。
- 找到所有引用 - 类似“git grep method_name(”) 在 IDE 中以交互方式完成。
如果没有它们,编码会非常痛苦。您遇到过具有上述两个功能的 Python IDE 吗?
当然,IDE 需要具备基本功能:
- 代码自动补全
- 集成调试
- 基本IDE功能,如语法高亮、错误高亮、智能缩进、括号 匹配等
I am searching for a Python IDE with visual studio features. After going through similar questions and reading reviews, I hardly see the following two features mentioned:
- goto definition - e.g. go from the place where a method is called to its definition (perhaps the class is in another module).
- find all references - something like "git grep method_name(" being done interactively inside the IDE.
Coding is so painful without them. Have you come across any python IDE with the above two features?
of course, the IDE need to have the essential features:
- code autocompletion
- integrated debugging
- basic IDE functions like syntax highlighting, error highlighting, smart indentation, bracket
matching, etc.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

为什么不观看精彩的 PyCon 2011 :Python IDE 面板!
您可以使用 Python 工具,它可以让您在 Microsoft Visual Studio 中对 Python 进行编程。 PyCharm,Komodo IDE 或 WingWare 也应该符合要求。
Why not watch the great PyCon 2011: Python IDEs Panel!
You can use Python Tools which lets you program Python in Microsoft Visual Studio. PyCharm, Komodo IDE, or WingWare should all fit the bill as well.
Eclipse 与 PyDev 非常出色。 (作为额外的好处,它还可以跨平台移植。而且免费。并且被广泛使用。)
Eclipse with PyDev is outstanding. (It's also portable across platforms, as an added bonus. And free. And widely-used.)
在过去的 8 个月里,我在所有 Python 项目中都使用 PyCharm,我非常喜欢它。我强烈推荐它(即使它不是免费的,但与它的并发相比,它真的很便宜,并且远远优于它们)。
I've using PyCharm for all my Python projects for the past 8 months, and i definitely love it. I'd highly recommend it (even if it's not free, it's really cheap compared to its concurrents, and is far superior to them imho).
Alright, I found Wing, PyDev have the two features!
支持PyCharm,非常好的Python IDE!
support PyCharm , very good IDE for python!