I think there would be many very similar steps to becoming a good programmer:
read foundational books on principles of art and design, not necessarily related to web design (i.e. learn about line, colour, form, balance of elements). Taking art classes (painting, sketching etc.) couldn't hurt.
find a real project where you can take a web design soup to nuts, preferably for a real client, as negotiating with clients is half the art - web design is a people job as much as an artistic pursuit.
read websites devoted to web design (and design in general), to stay current and get inspired.
learn the vocabulary of modern web design (mockups, mood boards, design tiles etc.)
practice constantly.
find designs you like and try to create them yourself, research how the effects were achieved.
meet other designers and share tips, tricks.
be critical of your designs, ask for honest feedback. Take criticism in stride and be as honest as you can with yourself about where you need to improve.
Improving as an interaction designer/front end developer
Regarding CSS, a great book to take your skills from basic/intermediate to high-intermediate (and understanding the principles involved) is Andy Budd's CSS Mastery.
关于 CSS,Andy Budd 的 CSS 掌握。
关于 jQuery 的一本同样精彩的书是jQuery in Action。对于 JavaScript,Douglas Crockford 的 JavaScript:优秀部分。
为了理解交互设计,Jared Spool 是众所周知的。
作为一名全能 CSS/JS 开发人员,需要提高的其他重要资源:
Improving as a designer
I think there would be many very similar steps to becoming a good programmer:
Improving as an interaction designer/front end developer
Regarding CSS, a great book to take your skills from basic/intermediate to high-intermediate (and understanding the principles involved) is Andy Budd's CSS Mastery.
An equally great book on jQuery is jQuery in Action. For JavaScript, Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: the Good Parts.
For understanding interaction design, Jared Spool is well-known.
Other great resources to improve as an all-around CSS/JS developer:
可能还想扩展现有的组件。我是 EXTJS http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/examples/ 的忠实粉丝 他们有一个针对开源项目的社区版本
May also want to expand on pre-existing components. Im a big fan of EXTJS http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/examples/ They have a community edition for open source projects