我在 chef 部署? 上还有另一个问题,范围可能有点太宽泛了。所以我会在这里问一个更具体的问题:
如何使用厨师的 Deploy 部署代码更改服务器设置后的资源。也许我只是习惯了当前的 capistrano 工作流程(“git push && cap deploy”)...但我能说的最好的是,在我提交更改后,我应该 ssh 进入服务器并运行“须藤厨师-客户”?感觉有些不对劲。是否没有相当于“厨师部署”的上限?
I've got another question at chef deployment? that is perhaps a little too broad in scope. so i'll ask a more specific question here:
how do i deploy code changes with chef's Deploy Resource after the server has been set up. perhaps i'm just used to my current capistrano workflow ("git push && cap deploy") ... but the best i can tell is that after i commit my changes i'm supposed to ssh into the server and run "sudo chef-client"? something about that feels wrong. is there no cap equivalent, i.e. "chef deploy"?
如果您使用的是 Chef 服务器,则可以使用
knife ssh
搜索要通过 SSH 访问的节点子集并运行 Chef 客户端。您还可以将 Chef Client 作为守护程序或 cron 作业按一定时间间隔运行。您可能对 chef-client 和 应用程序 食谱。
If you're using a Chef Server, you can use
knife ssh
to search for a subset of nodes to SSH to and run Chef Client.You can also run Chef Client on an interval as a daemon, or a cron job. You may be interested in the chef-client and application cookbooks by Opscode for these topics.