后端 Joomla 项目视图中的删除按钮
我想将 Joomla 类别视图中的删除按钮放置在项目视图中,这样当用户在后端导航到该项目时,他就能够删除它。
I would like to place the delete button from Joomla category view in the item view, so that when a user navigates in backend to that item he would be able to delete it.
I tried to move the function of the delete button from category view to the item view but it doesn't work since that function requires a item to be selected. In item view that particular item should already be selected.
并在视图中添加一个隐藏的复选框字段,并在视图中使用 id 变量 [即页面 id]
You probably want to use something like this:
And add a hidden checkbox field in the view with the id variable [i.e. page id] in the view