Read the documentation, it's all in there. If you don't understand it, start with general tutorials on iOS development or ask specifically about the parts you don't understand. You will need a solid understanding of how view controllers work before it makes sense to work with popovers. The View Controller Programming Guide also has a section specifically about popovers.
in your viewcontroller on the button action write this code:
Now you have created a tableview for popover in that tableviewcontroller write:
阅读文档,全部在那里。如果你不明白,请从一般开始 iOS开发教程或者有不懂的地方专门询问。在使用弹出窗口有意义之前,您需要充分了解视图控制器的工作原理。 视图控制器编程指南还有专门关于弹出窗口的部分。
Read the documentation, it's all in there. If you don't understand it, start with general tutorials on iOS development or ask specifically about the parts you don't understand. You will need a solid understanding of how view controllers work before it makes sense to work with popovers. The View Controller Programming Guide also has a section specifically about popovers.
1) TAbleViewController 有您想要加载的表。
Here in this :-
1) TAbleViewController has the table you want to load .
2) i am adding this to the navigation controller
3) navigation controller to the popover