.NET sdk用于从mp3文件获取歌曲信息(识别)
是否有 SDK/Web 服务可以使用 MP3 文件作为输入来获取音乐信息(艺术家、专辑、年份等)?类似于 android 的 Soundhound,但作为与 .NET 一起使用的 API
编辑:也许,我不太清楚。输入:一个没有任何ID3信息的MP3文件。 歌曲的信息(通过使用 Web 服务/数据库的识别获得,例如 Soundhound 或 Shazam)
输出:更具体地说, 。我需要的正是当您右键单击播放列表中的一首歌曲时 WinAmp 所做的事情 -->查看文件信息 -->自动标记
Is there an SDK/Web service for acquiring music information (artist, album, year, etc.) using an MP3 file as input? Something like android's Soundhound, but as an API for use with .NET
EDIT: Maybe, I wasn't so clear. Input: an MP3 file without any ID3 information. Output: the information of the song (acquired through recognition using a web service/database, like Soundhound or Shazam)
To be more specific. I need exactly what WinAmp does when you right click a song in the playlist --> view file info --> auto-tag
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在无法访问任何元数据的情况下,获取所需信息的唯一现实方法是使用第三方识别服务。其中大多数都提供 .Net API,但它们都是商业性的,因此您需要获得它们的使用许可。
Without access to any metadata the only realistic way to get the information you want is to use a third party identification service. Most of these provide a .Net API but they are all commercial and you will therefore need to license their use.
Some examples: